How Does the Milvus Vector Database Ensure Data Security?

In full consideration of your data security, user authentication and transport layer security (TLS) connection are now officially available in Milvus 2.1. Without user authentication, anyone can access all data in your vector database with SDK. However, starting from Milvus 2.1, only those with a valid username and password can access the Milvus vector database. In addition, in Milvus 2.1 data security is further protected by TLS, which ensures secure communications in a computer network.

This article aims to analyze how Milvus, the vector database ensures data security with user authentication and TLS connection and explain how you can utilize these two features as a user who wants to ensure data security when using the vector database.

What Is Database Security and Why Is It Important?

Database security refers to the measures taken to ensure that all data in the database are safe and kept confidential. Recent data breach and data leak cases at Twitter, Marriott, and Texas Department of Insurance, etc, makes us all the more vigilant to the issue of data security. All these cases constantly remind us that companies and businesses can suffer from severe loss if the data are not well protected and the databases they use are secure.

How Does the Milvus Vector Database Ensure Data Security?

In the current release of 2.1, the Milvus vector database attempts to ensure database security via authentication and encryption. More specifically, on the access level, Milvus supports basic user authentication to control who can access the database. Meanwhile, on the database level, Milvus adopts the transport layer security (TLS) encryption protocol to protect data communication.

User Authentication

The basic user authentication feature in the Milvus vector database supports accessing the vector database using a username and password for the sake of data security. This means clients can only access the Milvus instance upon providing an authenticated username and password.

The Authentication Workflow in the Milvus Vector Database

All gRPC requests are handled by the Milvus proxy; hence authentication is completed by the proxy. The workflow of logging in with the credentials to connect to the Milvus instance is as follows.
  1. Create credentials for each Milvus instance, and the encrypted passwords are stored in etcd. Milvus uses bcrypt for encryption as it implements Provos and Mazières's adaptive hashing algorithm.
  2. On the client side, SDK sends ciphertext when connecting to the Milvus service. The base64 ciphertext (<username>:<password>) is attached to the metadata with the key authorization.
  3. The Milvus proxy intercepts the request and verifies the credentials.
  4. Credentials are cached locally in the proxy.
Authentication Workflow
Authentication Workflow

When the credentials are updated, the system workflow in the Milvus vector database is as follows
  1. ..Root coord is in charge of the credentials when insert, query, and delete APIs are called.
  2. When you update the credentials because you forget the password, for instance, the new password is persisted in, etcd. Then all the old credentials in the proxy's local cache are invalidated.
  3. The authentication interceptor looks for the records from local cache first. If the credentials in the cache is not correct, the RPC call to fetch the most updated record from root coord will be triggered. And the credentials in the local cache are updated accordingly. 

Credentials update workflow.

Understanding Consistency Level in the Milvus Vector Database

Have you ever wondered why sometimes the data you have deleted from the Milvus vector database still appear in the search results?

A very likely reason is that you have not set the appropriate consistency level for your application. Consistency level in a distributed vector database is critical as it determines at which point a particular data write can be read by the system.

Therefore, this article aims to demystify the concept of consistency and delve into the levels of consistency supported by the Milvus vector database.

What Is Consistency?

Before getting started, we need to first clarify the connotation of consistency in this article, as the word "consistency" is an overloaded term in the computing industry. Consistency in a distributed database specifically refers to the property that ensures every node or replica has the same view of data when writing or reading data at a given time. Therefore, here we are talking about consistency as in the CAP theorem.

For serving massive online businesses in the modern world, multiple replicas are commonly adopted. For instance, online e-commerce giant Amazon replicates its orders or SKU data across multiple data centers, zones, or even countries to ensure high system availability in the event of a system crash or failure. This poses a challenge to the system - data consistency across multiple replicas. Without consistency, it is very likely that the deleted item in your Amazon cart reappears, causing a very bad user experience.

Hence, we need different data consistency levels for different applications. And luckily, Milvus, a database for AI, offers flexibility in consistency level, and you can set the consistency level that best suits your application.

Consistency in the Milvus Vector Database

The concept of consistency level was first introduced with the release of Milvus 2.0. The 1.0 version of Milvus was not a distributed vector database, so we did not involve tunable levels of consistency then. Milvus 1.0 flushes data every second, meaning that new data are almost immediately visible upon their insertion and Milvus reads the most updated data view at the exact time point when a vector similarity search or query request comes.

However, Milvus was refactored in its 2.0 version, and Milvus 2.0 is a distributed vector database based on a pub-sub mechanism. The PACELC theorem points out that a distributed system must trade off between consistency, availability, and latency. Furthermore, different levels of consistency serve different scenarios. Therefore, the concept of consistency was introduced in Milvus 2.0, and it supports tuning levels of consistency.

Four Levels of Consistency in the Milvus Vector Database

Milvus supports four levels of consistency:  strong, bounded staleness, session, and eventualAnd a Milvus user can specify the consistency level when creating a collection or conducting a vector similarity search or query. This section will continue to explain how these four levels of consistency are different and which scenario they are best suited for.

1. Strong

Strong is the highest and the most strict level of consistency. It ensures that users can read the latest version of data.


An illustration of strong consistency.

Increase Your Vector Database Read Throughput with In-Memory Replicas

With its official release, Milvus 2.1 comes with many new features such as in-memory replicas, support for string data type, embedded Milvus, tunable consistency, user authentication, and encryption in transit to provide convenience and a better user experience. Though the concept of the in-memory replica is nothing new to the world of distributed databases, it is a critical feature that can help you boost system performance, increase database read throughput, and enhance the utilization of hardware resources in an effortless way. 

Therefore, this post sets out to explain what in-memory replica is and why it is important, and then introduces how to enable this new feature in Milvus, a vector database for AI.

Concepts Related to In-Memory Replica

Before getting to know what in-memory replica is and why it is important, we need to first understand a few relevant concepts, including replica group, shard replica, streaming replica, historical replica, and shard leader. The image below is an illustration of these concepts.

Replica concepts.

Replica concepts

Replica Group

A replica group consists of multiple query nodes that are responsible for handling historical data and replicas. More specifically, the query nodes in the Milvus vector database retrieve incremental log data and turn them into growing segments by subscribing to the log broker, loading historical data from the object storage, and running hybrid searches between vector and scalar data.

Shard Replica

A shard replica consists of a streaming replica and a historical replica, both belonging to the same shard (i.e., Data manipulation language channel, abbreviated as DML channel in Milvus). Multiple shard replicas make up a replica group. And the exact number of shard replicas in a replica group is determined by the number of shards in a specified collection.

Streaming Replica

A streaming replica contains all the growing segments from the same DML channel. A growing segment keeps receiving the newly inserted data till it is sealed. Technically speaking, a streaming replica should be served by only one query node in one replica.

Historical Replica

A historical replica contains all the sealed segments from the same DML channel. A sealed segment no longer receives any new data and will be flushed to the object storage, leaving new data to be inserted into a freshly created growing segment. The sealed segments of one historical replica can be distributed on several query nodes within the same replica group.

Shard Leader

A shard leader is the query node serving the streaming replica in a shard replica.

Using Embedded Milvus to Instantly Install and Run Milvus With Python

Milvus is an open-source vector database for AI applications. It provides a variety of installation methods, including building from source code and installing Milvus with Docker Compose/Helm/APT/YUM/Ansible. Users can choose one of the installation methods depending on their operating systems and preferences. However, there are many data scientists and AI engineers in the Milvus community who work with Python and yearn for a much simpler installation method than the currently available ones.

Therefore, we released embedded Milvus, a user-friendly Python version, along with Milvus 2.1 to empower more Python developers in our community. This article introduces what embedded Milvus is and provides instructions on how to install and use it.

How Does the Database Understand and Execute Your Query?

A vector query in Milvus is the process of retrieving vectors via scalar filtering based on a boolean expression. With scalar filtering, users can limit their query results with certain conditions applied to data attributes. For instance, if a user queries for films released during 1990-2010 and scores higher than 8.5, only films whose attributes (release year and score) fulfill the condition.

This post aims to examine how a query is completed in Milvus 2.0 from the input of a query expression to query plan generation and query execution.

Query Expression

Expression of the query with attribute filtering in Milvus adopts the EBNF(Extended Backus–Naur form) syntax. The image below is the expression rules in Milvus.

 Expression syntax.

The EBNF syntax of a logical expression.
Logical expressions can be created using the combination of binary logical operators, unary logical operators, logical expressions, and single expressions. Since EBNF syntax is itself recursive, a logical expression can be the outcome of the combination or part of a bigger logical expression. A logical expression can contain many sub-logical expressions. The same rule applies in Milvus. Suppose a user needs to filter the attributes of the results with many conditions. In that case, the user can create his own set of filtering conditions by combining different logical operators and expressions.

Boolean expression.

Accelerating Similarity Search on Really Big Data with Vector Indexing (Part II)

Many popular artificial intelligence (AI) applications are powered by vector databases, from computer vision to new drug discovery. Indexing, a process of organizing data that drastically accelerates big data search, enables us to efficiently query million, billion, or even trillion-scale vector datasets.

This article is supplementary to the previous blog, "Accelerating Similarity Search on Really Big Data with Vector Indexing," covering the role indexing plays in making vector similarity search efficient and different indexes, including FLAT, IVF_FLAT, IVF_SQ8, and IVF_SQ8H. This article also provides the performance test results of the four indexes. We recommend reading this blog first.

This article provides an overview of the four main types of indexes and continues to introduce four different indexes: IVF_PQ, HNSW, ANNOY, and E2LSH.

How to Best Fit Filtering into Vector Similarity Search

Attribute filtering, or simply "filtering," is a basic function desired by users of vector databases. However, such a simple function faces great complexity.

Suppose Steve saw a photograph of a fashion blogger on a social media platform. He would like to search for a similar jean jacket on an online shopping platform that supports image similarity search. After uploading the image to the platform, Steve was shown a plethora of results of similar jean jackets. However, he only wears Levi’s. Then the results of image similarity search need to be filtered by brand. But the problem is when to apply the filter? Should it be applied before or after approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS)?