Unique Features of Mobile Testing

Many mobile development and testing teams agree that it’s inaccurate to think of mobile applications as the same software running on a smaller device. Indeed, mobile application testing services differ greatly from any other project type. Here’s how we see the unique traits of mobile software testing.

User Expectations

Mobile software is called mobile for a reason: these applications are expected to work on the go, anywhere, and at any time. Furthermore, accessibility is a key distinctive feature of mobile software. The different physical interactions that users have with their mobile devices change a lot for developers, UI/UX designers, and testers. At the same time, the global trend of digital experience personalization also added its twist to user expectations from the software they choose to install. When personalization meets accessibility requirements, demands for project testing teams can get out of hand.

The Difference Between Junior, Middle, and Senior Developers


It isn’t all about years of experience a software developer has, but their mindset, the skills they developed, and the knowledge accumulated along the way. Obviously, senior developers possess far better coding skills and more knowledge than junior and mid-level developers, but even the most inexperienced junior can sometimes provide your software development project with something a senior won’t be able to.

One of the biggest skill and knowledge gaps between junior and senior developers comes from how they approach writing their code. A senior developer writes simple, straightforward code with maintainability and scalability in mind. They think about the long-term impact of their code on the further development of your software and the people who will have to work with it. Junior developers, on the other hand, just want to make the code work. Their code is usually overly complex due to the lack of understanding of the whole picture behind the project.

Tackling Design Debt With Carefully Considered Design QA

Quality assurance is a vital part of any software development project. QA encompasses the entire software development process from defining goals and commitments to release management and smoke tests. Using different approaches, standards, and models such as ISO 9000 and CMMI, your quality assurance team constantly reviews and audits the software solution you’re developing to verify that it meets the set quality requirements. The team makes certain every feature functions as expected and prevents any deviations or potential errors from making it into the release.

Be that as it may, not every quality assurance procedure gets the same level of attention in the world of fast-paced, iterative software development and delivery practices. Today, tech companies quite often trivialize the role of UX/UI designers in the verification and validation procedures despite design verification being a critical component of the development process. Companies tend to prioritize a faster time to market, putting all the focus on optimizing performance and functionality over polishing the design. This means that while the general acceptance criteria are met, the broader user experience issues — inconsistencies between mockups and the developed UI, possible interaction and navigation deviations, etc. — are usually left unattended or postponed in favor of functionality checks.

What if the Customer Can’t Reproduce Your Bug?

Software quality assurance and testing is a complicated procedure that requires dedication, technical expertise, an eye for detail, and hours of work. Testers are people who dive deep into your product and have a major impact on the final project outcomes. That’s why it is so important that the product owners understand well not only the importance of software testing but its pain points from within for more effective communication. Today’s post focuses on bug reproduction issues that usually remain behind the scenes for everyone but testers, which isn’t always good for the whole software project quality.

“Can’t Reproduce” — What Are We Doing Wrong?

Many software testers sooner or later face a problem when a customer/their team can’t reproduce a reported bug. A bug that you spent time and effort investigating. You tried so hard to report it back clearly and concisely, and yet they throw the “can’t reproduce” verdict in your face.

How We Managed to Transition to Remote Work Seamlessly

In this article, we wanted to tell you about how we quickly and successfully adapted our workflows, communication, and other routines to the COVID-19 self-isolation measures. The pandemic has truly reshaped remote working. And even though there were numerous articles on the topic over the past few months, now that the work is finally done, we have the time to share with you our own experience.

If you’re used to office coffee, enjoying it while having a friendly chit-chat with your colleagues at work, then being transitioned to remote work from home out of a sudden and without any preliminary preparation can be a truly stressful undertaking. That’s why the first thing we did was making sure our employees are well-informed of the changes to come. 

5 Reasons to Hire eCommerce Developers

In 2019, eCommerce sales surpassed $360 billion in the United States alone. With all the global developments and challenges, humanity has to adapt to today, the eCommerce industry is growing ever so rapidly and so does the number of SaaS eCommerce platforms—all with their own advantages and drawbacks in capabilities, compatibilities, and customization. And while most small and steady businesses are doing just fine with basic online stores built on platforms such as BigCommerce, Shopify, and Squarespace, companies with a plan to effective growth and a strong desire to establish a recognizable brand require a lot more than the basic functionality you can set up yourself. 

To build a successful, future-proof online store, they rely on the vast experience and tech skills of professional eCommerce developers. And here are the main reasons why.

How to Reduce Software Development Cost

Software development can be tricky. Whether your goal is to build commercial off-the-shelf software or a custom software solution, it can become a huge challenge and quite an expensive one if you are not sure how to do it right. 

In this post, we want to highlight some thoughts on how to approach the development stage to significantly reduce software development costs without compromising the quality of your future product.

Difference Between Black-Box, White-Box, and Grey-Box Testing

You can never be sure about the quality of your in-development software unless you test it first. Conducting a thorough analysis of whether your software meets all the requirements, whether it is secure, responsive, complete, and easy to use is crucial to avoiding technical debt and making sure your software is well received after the release. And this is exactly what testers do for you. 

Software testing is a process of investigation. A tester pushes your software through a great variety of tests to catch any hidden errors, unpredictable behavior, or functional inconsistencies. After every test, a tester files a detailed report that helps developers fix all the exposed issues, maintain the software error-free, and make sure it runs as intended.

Dedicated Team VS Outstaffing: Which Model Is Best?

Whether it is a large company daring to start its digitalization journey or a small startup aiming at building the next big thing, all of them often face the same challenge — the shortage of skilled IT workers. As recruiting is a tedious process, not every business is ready to play this game.

There is a way out. Both outstaffing and dedicated team models are aimed at expanding a companies’ development and QA team without having to hire staff directly, thus making the lives of business owners much more comfortable. The question remains — which model fits your project best?

Software Unit Testing: What Is That? Why Is it Important?

Software Unit Testing: What Is It? Why Is It Important?

It is hard to overestimate the importance of software quality. A single error can have a huge negative impact on your entire business. If bug issues are not addressed efficiently, it may result in everything from an endless cycle of fixes to a destroyed reputation of your company. Effective testing strategies help to minimize such risks by ensuring the quality of the released product. There are many testing practices you can choose to build a great software solution. One of the basic but effective testing techniques to make sure that your product works properly is called unit testing.

What Is Unit Testing and What Are the Unit Testing Frameworks?

Unit testing (sometimes called module testing or component testing) is a technique for testing the smallest testable component of your code (unit) to ensure that it performs as intended. The basic feature of unit testing is the isolation – a unit test only performs a specific function and excludes all external influences, such as dependencies between units, calls to other functions, etc The unit testing process can be done manually, but developers usually use unit testing tools to facilitate the process, so they can focus on more complex tasks such as defining the test cases.

Functional and Non-Functional Testing: The Basics You Should Know

Testing is an essential part and success factor of the software development process. If the test management is carried out correctly, tests can help to avoid software errors and ensure a high quality of the product. There are a lot of testing practices to make sure that your solution works correctly and can be used easily across multiple environments and platforms. These methods are usually divided into functional and non-functional tests.

You may also like: Functional Testing vs. Non-Functional Testing

Top 6 New Programming Languages Born in the Last Decade

When it comes to programming languages, progress does not standstill. While the most influential ones like Python, C, Java were created a long time ago, new valuable coding languages appear all the time. In many use cases, it is the new programming language that is driving innovations and helps build truly amazing software. Let’s look at the most promising ones that were born in the last decade.

What Is Rust Programming Language?

Rust is a system programming language, created by Mozilla, which was announced in 2010. Rust is positioned as an incredibly fast language, that prevents memory violations and guarantees thread safety. Rust is syntactically similar to C ++ and in terms of speed, it can be compared to C or C ++. This means that the applications written in Rust can be just as fast as those written in C or C ++ and faster than those written in other dynamic languages. 

What Is Test-Driven Development and Why It’s Important

One of the most essential steps of any software development project is testing. If this process is skipped, the results may be disastrous – both for the project and for the company. But when should software undergo testing? It seems logical to test the project when it is completed. However, the power of the classic test procedure is limited. Overengineering, rigid design, testability issues – are just a few problems you may face if you write the code first and test the implementation later. Luckily, there is a way to tackle such challenges and it is called – Test-driven development.

You may also like: A Test-Driven Approach to App Development: The Main Benefits for Your Business

What Is Agile Process in Testing: A Short Guide

In today’s fast-paced software world, quick delivery of the product is often not an option but a necessity. Building software also requires a high level of flexibility in responding to the constantly changing market trends and customers’ demands. The problem is that with traditional project management, a quick change of plans inevitably leads to higher costs or longer project duration. Luckily there are agile methods that allow us to avoid such pitfalls. This refers not only to software development but also to testing processes.

What Is Agile Testing?

Agile in software development is an approach that focuses on the people performing their work and their cooperation aimed at delivering the right product to the customer. It is an iterative development process that creates requirements through constant collaboration between the client and cross-functional self-organizing teams. Agile testing is a practice that follows the rules of agile development and helps create solutions tailored to customer needs.

How to Save Money on Software Design

To figure out what goes into your app or website design cost and how to reduce these expenses, it is important to understand that designing a software solution is all about problem-solving. When working on a concept of a custom new product, the first and foremost thing you should consider is how it can help your users solve the problem and be best at it.

Let us share our vision on where to begin in designing your software solution, as well as how you can make your design stage cost less and even turn it into a great ROI in the long run.

Top 8 Technology Trends for 2020 and Beyond

What are this year's trending topics?

2020 is just around the corner with new technologies and approaches that bring us ever closer to the 4th Industrial Revolution. The increasingly rapid pace at which technology is evolving today makes it extremely hard but crucial for companies to keep up with every change, every bit of progress in the digital world.

What was but a theory yesterday may as well become a standard tomorrow. From the exponential growth of the Internet of things, artificial intelligence, and immersive digital experiences to the future of data security, management, and storage, here are the eight most promising technologies you should keep a keen eye on in the next decade.

Software Testing in 2020: 7 Biggest Trends

The huge demand for high-quality products created in the shortest time possible made testing a critical success factor of the software development process. Because of the continually evolving technology and competitive market QA specialists are in constant search of new relevant testing techniques, so they can stay relevant and meet the rising customer demands. As a result, new approaches are steadily emerging. Here are some of the most important software testing trends to watch for in 2020.

Testing for Agile and DevOps

Agile and DevOps should be definitely mentioned among some of the most popular concepts in software development. Since both DevOps and Agile practitioners work on improving the quality of the products, testing becomes a common area of interest for two groups. In the competitive software development world more and more companies choose popular Agile methodologies which, in turn, has an impact on testing practices. In particular, Agile methodology ensures that testing becomes an inevitable part of the development process rather than a separate stage. At the same time, DevOps, which implements a continuous improvement cycle is aimed at reducing the duration of the testing processes. In the future, more and more companies will adopt DevOps philosophy to improve the quality of released products which will have a huge impact on how the testing is done.

How to Measure Technical Debt and How to Keep Track of the Progress

Don't drown in technical debt!

Nothing in this world is perfect. Neither is code. Sometimes the pressure to deliver fast results leads to coding shortcuts. Sometimes developers can’t find the right solution immediately and sometimes they are too lazy to do that. One day they misread the requirements, and the other – the requirements are changed in the process. But what does it have in common with the technical debt?

You may also like: Technical Debt: What It Is, Why It's Important, and How to Prioritize It