What Is a Microservice?

Microservices are a type of software architecture where the functionality of the application is broken up into smaller fragments to make it more resilient and scalable. We call these fragments “services”. Each service focuses only on a single functionality of the application and is isolated from the others, making each one of them independent. This means that your development teams can work separately on different services and avoid a complex orchestration between them.

These different services then communicate with each other through APIs or web services.

How to Design a Web Application Architecture

Thirty years after Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web in 1989, the Web - and the browsers that ran on it - is the ubiquitous delivery mechanism for remote software functionality. And the growing ubiquity of cloud computing means that web applications - whether SPA, PWAs, or native apps - are becoming the de facto standard for the delivery of all software. Over the same period, the three-tier client-server architecture has evolved with the Service-Oriented approach now the dominant methodology.

But, when building a web application, why is the choice of architecture important? And what criteria determine whether your architecture is good or bad? This blog looks at how you can design a modern web application architecture that supports your needs today - without storing up problems for the future.