Writing About a Developer Conference: Tips and Lessons Learned

Conferences are one of the primary ways that developers learn and interact with other developers and industry professionals to learn about trends and topics in software development. Millions of software professionals attend conferences every year to network with and hear presentations with thought-leaders in their fields.

But if you're reading this, you knew all this already. 

Author Spotlight: Thomas Jardinet

So, Thomas, it looks like a lot of your expertise is in microservices, right?

The link between microservices and integration is quite thin. What I usually say is that microservices is integration well done. I have conducted some internal research in my company to understand how we use microservices, and it can be quite an abrupt change for customers to understand that their project can and should be made based on microservices, both the technology structure and the organization. 

What do you see as some of the emergent technologies in the field of microservices that developers should be looking into right now?

As far as new technologies, yes, of course, there are always new technologies, but I would say that the one that I see making an impact is serverless technologies that are becoming closer to and closer to microservices. It's a technology that involves some tricks sometimes, but it's a technology I would advise people to look at because you have some important frameworks being developed. Some microservices frameworks were quite close to serverless capacities, and at the same time, serverless works quite closely to microservices. So it's something I would look at a lot because I think that, in the near future, it will be one technology, meaning that you will have your microservices centralized infrastructure and that will fit most serverless use cases. That's what I would look at more than the new debate on the newest programming language, for example.

Author Spotlight: Daniel Stori

How did you first get started kind of writing comics, and why did you tailor them specifically toward developers?

When I was young, I used to draw pictures, comics of situations that happened in my day. I've liked to draw since I was a little kid, but I started to draw comics related to development because I love it. I am a developer and software programming teacher, so it's something that I really know and we can find a lot of fun situations in the development world, even when we start to pretend that processes and software are living things, as I do. No one was doing this kind of commentary. I like to draw and I like to make fun of people and situations so I joined these two things and stared to do this as kind of a hobby.

You mentioned that there was a story you wanted to tell, about how you became involved with DZone, about "a rare disease and a DZone editor." Can you share?

Ah, yes, yes. I started to run my site, I think, at the end of 2015. So, at that time, I was diagnosed with a rare disease. It was a very difficult time of my life because I didn't know if I would live, as it was a very, very difficult disease. I had to stop going to work, so I was at my home and I had nothing to do, so I started to draw more. I sent an email to Joe Esposito [a former DZone editor], and he answered me saying that it was okay that I started to publish them on my own. 

The Complete Unit Testing Collection [Tutorials and Frameworks]

Breaking Unit Testing Down

Unit Test Lifecycle

The Complete CI/CD Collection [Tutorials]

Everything you need to set up your complete CI/CD pipeline and implementation.

What is CI/CD?

Getting Started

Time to roll up your sleeves and get started building your CI/CD pipeline.

Getting Started With CI/CD 


Developers, The Enterprise, and Open Source Security

Image title
Thoughts on open source skill and open source security.

Inspired by the 2019 All Things Open conference, this series details the thoughts of five DevOps, open source, and security thought-leaders to gain a better sense of how developers and enterprises should be interacting with open source software, what they should keep in mind, and the role of community and knowledge-sharing in open source spaces.

What Developers Need to Know

Developers interact with open source software on a daily basis, whether through their hobbyist pursuits on Github or through the open source components that comprise the foundation of their workplace stacks. With near-daily interaction with open source software, what skills do developers and enterprises as entities need to know to work effectively with OS components?

Writing About Cloud [Prompts]

Here are a few cloud content ideas for your consideration.

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of cloud prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

Writing About DevOps [Prompts]

If you're having trouble thinking of DevOps writing topics, let us supply your aha moment.

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of cloud prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

The Complete Kubernetes Collection [Tutorials and Tools]

Everything you need to guide your Kubernetes implementation.

Kubernetes is the leading container orchestrator in software development, but you knew that already. With multiple companies, from Red Hat to Rancher, creating distributions built on top of the Google-native service and endless commentary that compares Kubernetes to other proprietary container orchestrators, there's little doubt about the tool on developers' minds.

In this conveniently-compiled Kubernetes compilation, we feature the most useful, liked, and complete articles from our contributors. Starting with a few articles to introduce you to the service as a whole, we then take a deep dive into Kubernetes architecture and components and how to get started using them. Next, we review some useful information about implementing Kubernetes with tutorials and tools, with guest appearances from Java and DevOps.