Why More Incidents Are Better

As most SREs how many incidents they’d have to respond to in a perfect world, and their answer would probably be “zero.” After all, making software and infrastructure so reliable that incidents never occur is the dream that SREs are theoretically chasing.

Reducing actual incidents as much as possible is a noble goal. However, it’s important to recognize that incidents aren’t an SRE’s number one enemy. What matters more than the number of incidents you experience is how effectively you respond to each one.

What SREs Can Learn From Capt. Sully: When To Follow Playbooks

When are you smarter than your playbooks, and when are your playbooks smarter than you?

That’s a question that engineers rarely step back to consider. The rational, disciplined parts of our minds tell us that the playbooks we are supposed to follow were carefully designed and tested and that we should stick to them at all costs.