Flipping products on Amazon to Ebay

So I just released a video about flipping products on Amazon and selling them on eBay. Then use SwagBucks to recover a fraction of the cost.

The first question is about eBay listings.
Is there a limit to the number of eBay listings that you can have?
If so, how do you deal with the competition?

Second, will US citizens have an unfair advantage over people living outside the US?

I'm giving much more clarity and context about what I learned and what I mean in that video, but basically, if you're limited to the number of listings, then you really need to know that the demand is high enough and the supply is low enough to make it worth putting it on eBay.

Maybe it only works for people that already have a website and a decent following. For example, I use Fiverr and Etsy as examples. Fiverr has a limit on the number of gigs that you can have. People resort to, for example, sending fake visitors to manipulate Fiverr's algorithm.

I did some research on Etsy a while ago to give people a clear idea of how fierce the competition is. I created a tool to scan a couple of thousand accounts, and I found that less than 3% were actually able to sell anything on Etsy in a time span of about 6 months. So the failure rate is huge, and it is just ridiculous, in my opinion, how people haphazardly recommend Etsy and Fiverr as a way to earn extra cash.

What is your experience with clk.sh?

I just released a video where I try out clk.sh.

First, I wanted to see if the service was indexed in Google. I just pick a bunch of link shortening services from a list, one by one, and leverage the reputation of each one. People are looking to know more about them and to see if they are trustworthy.

In some cases, these lists that I use are pretty old, and because of how some of these services work, they will get a bad reputation after a while. Yes, the current video shows you a service that may force you to install programs in order to open up the destination page.

A bad reputation may eventually lead to a deindexed or penalized website. This is why I don't recommend people using services like this. You go against the natural flow.

After that, I checked the reputation on TrustPilot. You can't trust the 5 star reviews on TrustPilot, but the one star ratings definitely have some merit to them in my opinion.

Then I went to BHW and did a quick search. Someone got banned for trying to sneak in a link. Another example of going against the natural flow. Following a natural flow would mean spending effort to create real value, like I try to do in my video.

Then I found another sneaky method to post clk.sh links and similar. To my surprise, I couldn't find anyone getting banned, so I guess the moderator didn't understand the trick. Still, I don't recommend doing it.

Do you know about clk.sh?
Have you ever tried it?
Do they pay out?

Before they pay out, I believe they require a $5 or $10 earn. Because of the rep, I would expect them to not honor a pay out at all, but I don't know really.

I don't think I can post a link here, sorry about that.

Running a Private Blog Network or buying links from a PBN

Hi everyone. I'm checking with you guys if you have any experience with this. So what I'm doing is deeper research on PBNs, and I would really love to get a picture of what it takes to successfully run a PBN and stay under the radar.

Are you running a PBN, and how difficult is it? What do you think about the risks?

Have you bought links from a PBN and how did it go? What is your backup plan if G deindexes the PBN?

So I just released a video about why I believe this is a very risky strategy. In this video, I talk about my experience investing over $1000 on Fiverr testing random traffic gigs with 1-3 Tier Networks and other traffic gigs. It was a long time ago, but it ended up being a complete failure when it came to ranking on Google or making money online.

I also talked about something I thought was suspicious when I checkeda thread at aforum market place (not this forum). I need to know if this is common practice or if I just imagine it.

Then I talk about people that have been unsuccessful for a long time, and I shed light on the reason why that is. I talk about how I changed my strategy to something that makes sense. It is just disappointing that I didn't do this 10 years ago.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to my video, so I'll refrain from doing that,but it would help explain what I mean. Let me know if I can add it. Thank you.

Hi everyone, I’m Anders Larsson

I'm a small YouTube influencer helping people for over 3 years now. I'm from Sweden, Stockholm. Right now I'm doing something really powerful with the YouTube algorithm. Follow my journey and try to guess what I do. If you guess right then connect with me and I help you model what I do.
I'm feel super awesome today.