Types vs Interfaces in Typescript: Making the Right Choice

The TypeScript community has long debated the use of types and interfaces. Developers often wrestle with the decision of when to use one over the other. In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages and drawbacks of both, helping you make an informed choice that aligns with your coding style and project needs.

Phase One: Interfaces Are the Bomb

In the early days, interfaces were the favored option. The TypeScript Performance Wiki even claimed that interfaces were faster than types. It was believed that interfaces could boost the speed of the TypeScript type checker, making them ideal for performance-critical projects. However, interfaces had their limitations, primarily being designed for objects and functions.

Angular Reactive Typed Forms — Not Just a Dream

When the new Angular version 14 was released, I was quite satisfied with two new features, and I wanted to share them with you. The first is Typed Reactive Forms, and the second is Standalone Components.

After 6 years of the first release and after months of discussion and feedback, the most needed feature and up-voted issue in the Angular repository are now solved in Angular v14!

How to Upgrade Angular Packages  and Enable the Ivy Compiler

Updating Your Packages and the Ivy Compiler

The following post focuses on the process of updating the packages used for an Angular project as well as activating the Ivy compiler. Packages can be updated in two ways:

Auto Upgrade

The first way is the easiest one, as it undertakes to do all the work for us with the Angular CLI. You may be able to update your project using the ng update command. Before proceeding with this process, we should install the latest version of Angular so we can be sure that we will update our existing project to the latest release. To do that, we can run the following commands in the Angular CLI.