Most Popular Telegraf Input Plugins and Integrations With InfluxDB

Telegraf is an open-source server agent designed for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics. Developed by InfluxData, it is part of the InfluxDB time series database platform. Known for its simplicity and ease of use, Telegraf offers a plug-and-play architecture with an array of input, output, and processor plugins. This flexibility allows Telegraf to seamlessly gather metrics from a diverse set of sources and write them into InfluxDB, serving as a vital component in monitoring and observability stacks.

One of Telegraf's strengths is its ability to integrate with a wide range of tools and services, enhancing the capabilities of InfluxDB. It supports various data formats and network protocols, enabling integrations with common systems like databases, message queues, and web services. Some notable integrations include popular databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, messaging systems like Kafka and MQTT, and cloud services from providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. Additionally, Telegraf can collect data from various sources like sensors, IoT devices, and virtual systems and applications, making it a versatile tool for comprehensive monitoring solutions in diverse IT environments. This post covers the top types of Telegraf input plugins. 

Query a Database With Arrow Flight

Arrow Flight is a “new general-purpose client-server framework to simplify high-performance transport of large datasets over network interfaces.” Flight uses gRPC and IPC protocols as its foundation. The structure of Flight primarily focuses on the transmission of Arrow record batches. The protocols for transmitting methods and data use Protobuf outlines, providing compatibility with clients equipped to handle gRPC and Arrow individually, even if they do not support Flight directly. Moreover, additional enhancements fine-tune Flight to reduce performance penalties typically associated with Protobuf use, particularly those related to unnecessary memory duplication. 

You can also use Apache Arrow Flight SQL to query a database. Apache Arrow Flight SQL is “a new client-server protocol developed by the Apache Arrow community for interacting with SQL databases that makes use of the Arrow in-memory columnar format and the Flight RPC framework.” Essentially, the Flight SQL clients wrap the underlying Flight client. However, it also provides methods for defining streams of Arrow record batches and how to read them. FlightSQL is useful for writing database-agnostic code for different databases that support it. This more general approach is what this article covers. For example, if you are creating a UI or other user experience that might query different kinds of databases. 

Reading Table Metadata With Flight SQL

Apache Arrow Flight SQL is “a new client-server protocol developed by the Apache Arrow community for interacting with SQL databases that makes use of the Arrow in-memory columnar format and the Flight RPC framework.” In this article, we’ll explore some of the advantages of Arrow Flight SQL, as well as how to read table metadata from an SQL database. Reading table metadata from an SQL database is crucial for several reasons. 

  • First, it provides essential information about the table's structure, including column names, data types, and constraints. 

The Chande Momentum Oscillator and InfluxDB

I'm sitting in my friend's living room. He's sitting cross-legged in white linen pants, with his hands casually placed on his knees, nodding gently. His guests are part of a fairly successful pop band, and they're recounting their adventures from their latest tour around Europe and Asia in a sailboat, magic tiny-home-schoolbus, or some hip mode of transportation. I noticed the only quiet guy there. The only thing I know about him is that he's supposed to be a music production wizard. He's typing away furiously, concentrated on his screen. I ask him what he's doing, and he gently replies, "I'm creating a Python script to execute an automated bitcoin trading strategy." I have no idea whether his bot yielded a good return or whether he even finished it. However, actually hearing that string of buzzwords out loud and watching those words casually leave his lips left an impression on me — I too must play that game one day. Well, here I am.

InfluxDB as a Learning Tool to Develop a Trading Strategy

I stumbled across Alpaca, the commission-free REST API stock brokerage. It's pretty cool. You have the option of paper trading or live trading. Plus, the documentation comes with example algorithms and instructions for how to deploy on Heroku so you can actually implement your trading commission free.

Write Points From CSV to InfluxDB

Telegraf is InfluxData's plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting metrics. There are over 200 input plugins, which means there's a lot of ways to get data into InfluxDB. However, I frequently see new Influx users inquiring about how to write points from CSV to InfluxDB on InfluxData Community Site. Writing points from a CSV file is an easy way to insert familiar data into InfluxDB, which can make it easier to get acquainted with the platform.

Requirements and Setup for Importing Data From CSV to InfluxDB

In a previous article, I shared three easy methods to insert data to the database (including a Python script to convert CSV data to line protocol, InfluxDB's data ingest format). This article is a guide for how to write points from a CSV using the Telegraf File Input Plugin. The Telegraf File Input Plugin writes points faster than a Python script would, which can be extremely useful when you're performing a bulk import. With it, I hope to dispel any confusion that new users might have. I will assume that you are a MacOS user and have installed InfluxDB and Telegraf with Homebrew since it's the fastest way to get up and running locally (alternatively, you can download the binary from our Downloads page or spin up the sandbox).

Finding More Hidden Gems in Holt-Winters

Welcome back to this three-part blog post series on Holt-Winters and why it's still highly relevant today. To understand Part Two, I suggest reading Part One, in which we covered:

  1. When to use Holt-Winters.
  2. How Single Exponential Smoothing works.
  3. A conceptual overview of optimization for Single Exponential Smoothing.
  4. Extra: The proof for optimization of the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) for Linear Regression.

In this piece, Part Two, we'll explore: