Five Mobile App Vulns That Should Scare You

While some organizations and executives may not be fully aware of all the threats to their mobile applications, the risks are real and growing. Vulnerabilities arise from code flaws, encryption errors, unsecured data transmission or data exposure. Attackers are ready to exploit these vulnerabilities to steal data, money and trade secrets and undermine your brand.

Reflecting on some recent high-profile mobile application security breaches helps drive home the dangers of not properly securing your mobile apps. With that in mind, we present a round-up of the top five mobile breaches that have occurred over the past year.

Mobile DevOps Metrics that Matter

Creating a secure DevOps culture helps companies accelerate mobile app release cycles and securely deliver the new features and capabilities that users crave. Automating the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CD/CD) pipeline speeds time to market to meet the demands of the business.

But app store ratings and reviews aren't the only important measures of performance. As more NowSecure customers embark on the journey to DevOps, they increasingly focus on a few key performance indicators.