Understanding Mule Events in Mule 4

In MuleSoft integration, events play a crucial role in ensuring communication between two or more flows. Within MuleSoft's Anypoint Studio, each flow that is triggered operates with its event and can make it possible to transfer data and control from one flow to another. Before delving deep into today's topic, let us discover why Mule events are essential to understand for MuleSoft developers. It is because it enables efficient data flow management, and helps in debugging and troubleshooting errors, which ultimately boosts developer productivity. 

Let's find out more about the structure and basic functionality of each segment or part of Mule Events in Mule 4.

Is Computer Vision Difficult To Use?

We humans see objects, places, and people using our eyes. We have been gifted with a natural object-analyzing, detection tool that helps us to identify things in the vicinity. But have you wondered how face lock works in both Android and iPhones? Do computers also have an eye that keeps looking at the world like humans?

Computer Vision

Computer vision is a type of artificial intelligence that helps the computer to see the world, make interpretations, and analyze the visual world. It also uses the machine learning concept to identify different objects that it sees and classify them with similar objects. The machine learning model used here is already well-trained to do this job.

Machine Learning Algorithms and GAN

Today’s world is running behind the concept of machines performing activities similar to that of humans in a much more efficient way. But, have you ever wondered, from where these machines gained so much intelligence?? Is it in-build to have a brain as humans or were they trained to perform these activities?

To implement these basic activities, there is a certain amount of experience is required by the computer. This intelligence to perform tasks is gifted to the machines by ML algorithms which help us for the automated tasks. Now, Let us dive deep into the ML algorithms and understand their importance. 

Error Handling in Mule 4.4

In this article, we’ll learn what exactly error handling does and how you can apply it to the APIs of MuleSoft.


The applications that you use are developed by developers and they are highly functional and very easy to use when it comes to working on them. There can be few crashes or errors that are of any form: it could be a bad request made to the website or a 404 not found error. These errors are listed as HTTP error codes. So to avoid this, developers create responses to such requests in advance by creating an error-handling section in their applications.

Doubly Linked List in Data Structures and Algorithms

The linked list concept is used quite commonly in the real world. When we use Spotify to play the next song in the queue, the concept of a single linked list that we learned comes into action. But what exactly can one do to play the previous song in the queue? 

In this blog, we shall understand another concept associated with data structures, which is a Doubly Linked List. We shall also discuss its implementation using C and real-time applications.

Linked List in Data Structures and Algorithms

In the previous blog, we looked into different types of linear data structures. A linked list is also one of them. The program for linked lists seems to be lengthy, but once we are aware of the concept, It's easy to implement it. Linked lists are unlike stack and queues as it stores a pointer pointing to the address. For example, while we are listening to music on Spotify, we can create our song playlist and can play a song from both starting and end of the list. These music players are implemented using a linked list. 

In this blog, we further discuss linked list implementation, how it is related to data structures, and its real-time applications. 

Build RAML-Based API Specification Using MuleSoft Platform

In earlier blogs, we saw many languages like Python, C++, Java, and so on that developers use to develop applications that we use to retrieve and insert data. In this blog, we shall learn about RAML which is a language used to create API specification.

Introduction to RAML

RAML stands for RESTful API Modelling Language. It is a YAML /JSON-based modeling language. The language is simple and structured, which is readable by both humans and computers. We use HTTP methods to call the resources while creating API specifications.