Shutdown Spring Boot Applications Gracefully

What is a Graceful Shutdown?

The Graceful and the Hard (or Abrupt) shutdown are the two methods of stopping an application. When an application is running, it performs certain tasks or processes client requests. While doing so, it consumes various resources, makes connections, persists data, and/or handles transactions, etc. We may want to stop a running application, in order to take it out of the system or to release a different version of the application, as part of the deployment. However, it is important to analyze and understand the consequences of abruptly stopping an application, and such consequences are purely based on the application functionality and its role in the overall system.

In order to explain in detail, the Graceful vs Hard or abrupt stopping of an application is similar to stopping a computer. When we use the shutdown function of an operating system it prompts for any unsaved work or closing of some important applications. In contrast, when we do a Hard shutdown, we lose any unsaved files or unfinished works. Interestingly, the same logic applies to applications. Some applications are capable of resuming any unfinished tasks when they are restarted. Thus, for such applications, abrupt stops don’t cause any harm. On the other hand, for some applications, an abrupt shutdown may result in unwanted outcomes. For example, failure of very large transactions, or opened resources, etc. Thus, while writing an application we should also pay attention to its shutdown procedure.

Enable Spring Boot ApplicationStartup Metrics to Diagnose Slow Startup


During an application startup process, Spring Boot performs a lot of work in the background. This work involves creating Spring Application Context, creating various beans, auto-wiring, and auto-configuration of various components, and finally, starting the application. When a Spring Boot Application has a slow startup, it can be one or more beans and related dependencies taking longer to initialise and slowing down the entire process.

Profiling Spring Boot application doesn’t often help in diagnosing the startup issues. This is because there are a number of beans getting initialised and it is really difficult to figure out which ones are causing the latency. Spring Boot Application Startup Metrics are useful for such cases.

Spring Boot With Spring Data JPA

Welcome to the Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA tutorial! In this tutorial, we are going to see how Spring Data JPA provides complete abstraction over the DAO layer. We don’t need to write the implementation for the DAO layer anymore; Spring Data auto-generates the implementation DAO implementations.

We already had an introduction to Spring Boot, and for this tutorial, we will use Spring Boot along with Spring Data. You will also see how Spring Boot auto-configuration helps to get data source configurations done, hassle-free.

Spring REST Service Exception Handling

This tutorial talks about Spring Rest Service Exception Handling. In our previous article, we created our very first Spring Boot REST Web Service. In this tutorial, let’s concentrate on how to handle an exception in Spring applications. While there always is an option to handle them manually and set a particular ResponseStatus, however, Spring provides an abstraction over the entire exception handling and just asks you to put a few annotations — it takes care of everything else. In this article, we will demonstrate these concepts with code examples.

How to Manually Handle Exceptions

In the Spring Boot Rest Service tutorials, we had created a Dogs Service to understand the concepts. In this post, let's extend the same Dogs Service to handle exceptions.