Generative AI for DevOps: A Practical View

The concept of generative AI describes machine learning algorithms that can create new content from minimal human input. The field has rapidly advanced in the past few years, with projects such as the text authorship tool ChatGPT and realistic image creator DALL-E2 attracting mainstream attention.

Generative AI isn't just for content creators, though. It's also poised to transform technical work in the software engineering and DevOps fields. For example, GitHub Copilot, the controversial "AI pair programmer," is already prompting reconsideration of how code is written, but collaborative AI's potential remains relatively unexplored in the DevOps arena.

DevOps vs. SRE vs. Platform Engineer vs. Cloud Engineer; Substance or Semantics?

DevOps, as initially conceived, was more of a philosophy than a set of practices—and it certainly wasn't intended to be a job title or a role spec. Yet today, DevOps engineers, site reliability engineers, cloud engineers, and platform engineers are all in high demand—with overlapping skillsets and with recruiters peppering role descriptions with liberal sprinklings of loosely related keywords such as "CI/CD pipeline," "deployment engineering," "cloud provisioning," and "Kubernetes."

When I co-founded, my investors pushed me to define my target market better. For example, was it just DevOps or also SREs, cloud and platform engineers, and other end users? 

Ending the DevOps vs. Software Engineer Cold War

If we were that metaphorical fly on the wall, following an all too common Slack conversation between a software engineer and DevOps engineers, it might go something like this:

Software Engineer: This is gonna take forever. “I need a new environment for my app.”

How Web 3.0 Is Steering the Future of DevOps Tools

Changing your tech stack is painful. Some companies limp along for years with things barely working, so they don’t have to change a thing. So when, in my previous position at AWS as Global DevOps Partnerships Leader, I heard that one of my customers, a NASDAQ Top-10 tech company, was making the complicated switch from a top CI/CD platform to GitHub Actions, I was immediately curious.

Why would they do it? Features? Cost? A secret handshake between executives? Given the complexities, it had to be something major, but nothing added up.