SAKO Architects’ Vibrant Buildings Will Take You to Colorful Paradise

Founded by visionary architect Keiichiro Sako, SAKO Architects grew into one of Asia’s most inventive architecture firms in the past two decades. They’re taking the world by storm with their colorful buildings, and here are three that have to be seen to be believed. Kaleidoscope – Tianshui SAKO Architects built several educational centers all around […]

3 Tips for Getting Started With Calligraphy

The art of calligraphy can be mesmerizing. Elegant scripts seem to dance across the page, a beautiful union of art and writing. But where do you even begin if you’re interested in learning? Here are three beginner-friendly tips to get you started. Master the Basic Strokes Before diving into letterforms, focus on mastering basic strokes. […]

Buying Your First Film Camera? Here are 3 Things to Know

Even when everyone has a smartphone with a camera in their pocket, the allure of film cameras remains undiminished. There’s something inherently magical about capturing images on film. If you’re considering stepping into the world of film photography, here are a few tips for picking out your first camera.  Types of Film Cameras Film cameras […]

5 Pinterest Home Décor Trends You Need in Your Life in 2024

2024 is just a few days away, and if you’re in the mood to give your home a total makeover—Pinterest is here to help you out! They recently unveiled their trend forecast for the New Year, and here are five rising home décor trends that made the cut. Western Gothic Western Gothic is one of […]

Best Ways to Embrace the Rule of Thirds in Different Types of Photos

The rule of thirds is one of the most popular composition guidelines, and it will help you take your photography skills to the next level. This technique is all about positioning the most important elements off-center to create a balanced composition, and here are some of the best ways to apply this photography technique. Landscape […]

5 Signature Barbiecore Items for Every Room in Your Home

Barbiecore aesthetic has a major hold on the fashion and design world right now, and it’s not letting go anytime soon. Luckily, it’s one of the easiest home décor trends to welcome into your home and one signature pink item in each room is all it takes to give it a shot. Living Room – […]