All the Questions You Were Afraid to Ask About SBOM

During many recent security incidents, we hear a lot of messages about the lack of knowledge of the code dependencies, attacks to the software supply chain, Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), digital signatures, provenance, attestation, and so on.

The fact is, every time a new vulnerability appears in the landscape, we usually need to spend a lot of time and effort to detect the real impact on the applications and services that are running in our environment.

Secure Software Supply Chain: Why Every Link Matters

The new threats in software development are not only related to the specific company itself. The whole software supply chain is a target for attackers, and it is essential to make sure that we put all our effort into securing each link because if one fails, everything will be affected.

Supply chain activities include each step of the transformation of raw materials, components, and resources into a completed product and its delivery to the end customer.

Top 20 Dockerfile Best Practices

Learn how to prevent security issues and optimize containerized applications by applying a quick set of Dockerfile best practices in your image builds.

If you are familiar with containerized applications and microservices, you might have realized that your services might be micro; but detecting vulnerabilities, investigating security issues, and reporting and fixing them after the deployment is making your management overhead macro.