Inquiry Regarding Blog Page Rankings

I've been actively monitoring the performance of my blog pages, and I noticed that some of them have not been consistently ranking in the top 3, I aim to achieve a position within the top 3. I did every possible way of SEO to improve their rankings.

I would appreciate it if you could provide insights into the factors influencing these rankings. Your expertise and guidance in understanding how I can optimize my blog content for better visibility would be invaluable.

If there are specific strategies, keywords, or content improvements that you recommend, I am eager to implement them to enhance the ranking of my blog pages.

Java Servlet web development questions

I have been doing web development with PHP for the last few years, and like a lot of people, I have a strong dislike for PHP. I also have done lots of Java development, but never web development. Having a good knowledge of Java, I decided I would try web development using JSP. I have read a few article but I am not fully "understanding" it. My first question is, what is the difference between a JSP (Java Servlet Page) and a servlet? Is a JSP not simply a file that contains a servlet and HTML? My second question is can Servlets interact with HTML elements as easily as PHP? Can I check for HTML form input using POST/GET etc.

I was also wondering if Servlets could use "native" java code. By this, I mean can I use the same code that I use in desktop applications/use the same methods and classes that I have already made. What I am trying to get at is, can servlets do (almost) anything that a desktop application can do. Can I access the server's file system to delete/ modify files? Can I use third part java libraries in my JSP?

If someone could clear this up for me that would be great! Thanks in advance!

Need help with this DBMS interview Concept

Hey Peeps,
Hope all are doing well. Happy to be a part of this community. So am fairly new in the programming world and exploring a few job opportunities in this field.

Coming to my query, So was going through this list of questions, although concepts seem easy to understand here, examples could be super helpful. Especially since these are interview questions, I wanted to go in-depth to understand each concept.

Q)Explain the difference between intention and extension in a database...Would be extremely grateful if someone out here can explain this with a help of a query.
