How to Configure Custom Metrics in AWS Elastic Beanstalk Using Memory Metrics Example

Recently, I encountered a task where a business was using AWS Elastic Beanstalk but was struggling to understand the system state due to the lack of comprehensive metrics in CloudWatch. By default, CloudWatch only provides a few basic metrics such as CPU and Networks. However, it’s worth noting that Memory and Disk metrics are not included in the default metric collection.

Fortunately, each Elastic Beanstalk virtual machine (VM) comes with a CloudWatch agent that can be easily configured to collect additional metrics. For example, if you need information about VM memory consumption, which AWS does not provide out of the box, you can configure the CloudWatch agent to collect this data. This can greatly enhance your visibility into the performance and health of your Elastic Beanstalk environment, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your application’s performance.

Tenv v2.0: The Importance of Explicit Behavior for Version Manager

The explicit behavior of IAC version managers is quite crucial. It is especially critical in the realm of Terraform and OpenTofu because tool upgrades might destroy or corrupt all managed infrastructure. To protect users from unexpected updates, all version managers have to work clearly and without any internal wizardry that cannot be explained without a deep dive into the sources.

Tenv is a versatile version manager for OpenTofu, Terraform, Terragrunt, and Atmos, written in Go and developed by tofuutils team. This tool simplifies the complexity of handling different versions of these powerful tools, ensuring developers and DevOps professionals can focus on what matters most — building and deploying efficiently. Tenv is a successor of tofuenv and tfenv.

How To Manage Terraform Versions

The simplest method for handling Terraform versions is to tenv. tenv is a version manager for Terraform, OpenTofu, Terragrunt, and Atmos, which are written in Go. This versatile version manager simplifies the complexity of version control, helping to avoid spending time on IaC tools’ version management and ensuring developers and DevOps can focus on what is important the most — crafting innovative products and driving business value.

Why Do I Need Terraform Version Manager?

Managing a single Terraform project makes installing, upgrading, or switching to tools like OpenTofu straightforward. However, handling multiple projects with different Terraform versions can be challenging. Regular upgrades and tool switches require careful coordination to maintain functionality and stability across projects. The list of key challenges: