Java Development Trends 2023

GitHub language statistics indicate that Java occupies second place among other programming codes, while in the TIOBE Index 2022, Java shifted to fourth position. The difference lies in the methodological approaches.

Notwithstanding the ranking, Java is the coding language enterprises have used heavily since its inception, and it still holds the same position. As a programming language, it outperforms many of its competitors and continues to be the choice of most companies/organizations for software applications. However, Java doesn't stay the same; it goes through changes and modernization.

Binary Code Verification in Open Source World

The IT industry has faced new security challenges with the growing popularity of Open Source Software (OSS). Although the challenges were always there, the number of applications based on OSS has highlighted the problem. Furthermore, as OSS stands out as the basis for many of the systems in the cloud, this increases the pressure because a bug in OSS exposes the whole ecosystem to risk.

OSS, as an approach, was designed for free use, encouraging the developers' community to implement and build new applications and software based on it, as well as contributing to the code. This idea proved itself as the best functional approach in creating the code, improving it, and finding and fixing the bugs. However, at the current level of OSS implementation, the safety point seems to be lagging behind it. 

DevOps and Sustainable Software

DevOps carries a great number of practices to improve the developing process and continuous enhancements to deliver software applications and services at a better speed and quality. 

DevOps mirrors business requests, and, as we’re witnessing devastating climate crises worldwide, surely ecological concerns should be within the DevOps set of goals too.

Why and How Java Continues to Be One of the Most Popular Enterprise Coding Languages

Java was created over 25 years ago, and it is still one of the most popular programming languages. This article will present an overview of how Java has grown into today's complex system and why it continues to remain a contemporary development environment.

According to The PYPL Popularity of Programming Language Index, in February 2022, Java was the second most popular language globally, and its use has grown by 1.2% compared to February 2021. This ranking is determined by analyzing requests for language tutorials on Google.

Java Development in 2022: Predictions and Selected Trends

Last year was interesting — a new LTS release, some amazing successes, but also a global vulnerability was discovered.  In this article, we will try to guess and predict how the industry will face the new challenges, and what innovations and developments will affect it the most.

General Trends

1. Migration From Java 8

A lot of apps still work on Java 8 — and it is easy to see why. It is still supported by many vendors, and there are many steps you need to take to migrate from 8 to 9 and higher because of radical changes introduced in Java 9. But we think that 2022 could be the year many people will finally decide to move to the latest LTS version for several reasons.