Why Angular and ASP.NET Core Make a Winning Team

The seamless functioning of an application requires a robust build and flawless coordination between its front-end and back-end technologies. The front end is responsible for defining the UI and UX of an app, while the back end powers its features and handles logic.

That’s why it is imperative that developers come up with a combination of technologies that ensures maximum feasibility between both ends, thereby empowering the creation of a robust, functional application.

Top 10 Microservices Frameworks

Microservices are a type of service-oriented architecture that is used to develop multifunctional and complex applications. Instead of creating a complete software unit, developers can add small services to create software.

Is it confusing to know what framework to use for creating applications with microservices? Find out what the latest frameworks have to offer. When you have chosen the framework, hire dedicated developers that build high-performance, scalable applications.

A Complete API Development Guide: Common Terms, Tools, and Best Practices

You should be familiar with APIs, especially if you have worked with a developer or designer. But in case you haven't, then let's start by saying that APIs are powerful secret agents that empower mobile apps with useful features and seamless functioning.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) play a vital role in shaping the modern digital landscape. APIs help software systems communicate and interact with each other. They also help businesses improve their existing systems and build cutting-edge apps through third-party integrations. 

Top Strategies for Effective Mobile App Testing and Quality Assurance

Mobile app testing is imperative to the app development cycle, so it's equally essential to have well-defined strategies for it. The strategy can prove crucial to ensure the app's quality, security, and reliability.

Well-planned strategies also help testers keep unnecessary costs at bay and ensure optimal utilization of resources. They also ensure that mobile apps maintain quality while providing an optimal user experience across different devices and operating systems and protecting user data and privacy.

Modern Web Development With ReactJS: Best Practices and Tips

As you know, React is a library developed by Facebook and can integrate with many exciting components. Developers can make their components available to the community by creating and publishing them on the platform.

This time, we'll tackle the topic head-on and demonstrate some of React's most fundamental and conventional best practices for web developers.

The Best Node.js IDEs in the Market Right Now

The demand for Node.js specialization has been at a peak for quite some time. This is not surprising, since it is not every day that one comes across an environment that provides extensive cross-platform features and is also great at making a Javascript code run even in the absence of a web browser. In fact, 85% of the node.js users actually use it for the purpose of web development!

However, it is also important to make sure that the code we want to run has been properly edited and put through debugging before actually running it. This is where an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) comes in.

Kotlin vs. Java: Which Is the Better Android Development Language?

Choosing the right programming language for Android development is crucial to measure the app’s future success. With Kotlin emerging as the new Android development language, it is essential to answer common queries such as:

  • Is Java dead? 
  • Are Kotlin application development services better than Java development? 
  • Which is better: Kotin or Java?

This article will uncover all these questions and clear all the doubts with apt differences between Kotlin vs. Java. Let’s get started.

8 Reasons To Opt for Angular.JS in The Development Process

Angular.JS is a well-known platform to develop dynamic web applications. It helps to build interactive and feature-rich websites for the users.  However, this framework supports Single Page web apps and MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. It is considered as the most preferred platform for the developers and delivers enterprise profitability. 

Learn about Angular.JS

Angular.JS is a JavaScript framework and written in Javascript language only. It helps to develop Single Page Applications and runs on Javascript engine platform. This framework is known to develop front end web frameworks. Launched on 20 Oct 2010,  under MIT License. 

Understanding the Quality Assurance and Testing Process

Choosing the right software testing partner is a vital step aimed at lessening your software release cycle and stopping defects before they're reported by your customers. 

But the benefits extend way beyond expectation – a professional software testing company can augment your company's role by boosting your company's brand value and, as a result, unlock new revenue streams.

AI Trends Responsible for the Rapid Shape-Shifting of the Future

Rapid shape-shifting of the future.

What does the future hold for us? Or more precisely, how will the future unfold? One thing that we know unanimously is that the digital revolution is here. This revolution is cascading across every industry and organization, resulting in wide-scale enterprise disruption with redefined customer expectations.

The ability to rapidly rotate to the new has been critical for companies striving to become digital leaders, as well as for the employees who are shifting beyond the digital culture shock. This is an era of an exciting unprecedented time in technology, keeping in mind the pace of change and innovation continuing to accelerate.