Selecting the Right Agile Framework – Coveros

Scrum. Kanban. Lean. XP. SAFe. RUP. Scrum of Scrums. There are many frameworks available to organizations that are maturing their agile software development process.

However, the use of some frameworks can help reinforce agile behaviors, while others can be degenerative and actually drive an organization to revert to more waterfall-like software development.

The choice of agile framework should be a collaborative discussion between teams, organizational leadership, and any stakeholders. Every part of the team should have input into what key features they will need from the framework. The "correct choice" will depend on many variables, including the nature of the work, the experiences of the organization, cultural factors, and changes desired to meet the work objectives.

The Value of Security Testing in QA

Over in the TechWell Hub, I was recently asked by a fellow community member, "Is there value in having traditional testers do security testing in addition to the testing taking place from our security group?" I thought it was a great question, and it deserves a more detailed response.

For many organizations, traditional software and testing groups are separated from the IT security group. The first is just concerned with functionality, while the latter cares only about security. In many cases this results in adversarial relationships, which almost always leads to some challenges for software development teams:

Why Software Testing is Key to DevOps

One of the major reasons organizations adopt DevOps practices is to accelerate delivery of software to production. This includes deploying more frequently and reducing lead time.

However, many organizations fail to include quality components in their practices. This leads to organizations delivering code faster, but unfortunately, that code is just poor. Continuous deployment without quality is just delivering continuous bugs to your customers.