Top 5 HCI Myths Busted

Despite being utilized by thousands of IT professionals, several persistent myths surround hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) that cause confusion and misconceptions among those who have an HCI solution deployed. These are five of the most prevalent myths debunked.

Myth #1 — HCI Is Too Expensive

The acquisition price of an HCI solution varies by vendor and often by the brand of hypervisor used in the solution, and while it can often be the case that purchasing the individual components needed to create a virtualization infrastructure, it may be less expensive than purchasing an HCI solution. That is only part of the cost of the solution. The true and total cost of infrastructure goes far beyond the initial purchase.

Modernizing IT Infrastructure for Manufacturing Organizations With Hyperconvergence: Part 2

You can find Part 1 here.

Hyperconvergence is a term that is gaining rapid interest across the manufacturing industry due to the undeniable benefits it has delivered to IT professionals seeking to modernize their data center, or as is a popular buzzword today ― "transform." Today, in particular, the manufacturing industry is looking to hyperconvergence for the potential benefits it can provide to its emerging and growing use of IoT and its growing need for edge computing systems.

Raising Business Success With Edge Computing and Hyperconvergence

Keep your business running smoothly.

In today’s data-driven world, business success and data have become inexorably intertwined. Consequently, the cost and impact of system downtime continue to rise. In the past, if systems went down people simply reverted to manual methods or “patiently” waited for operations to come back online.