Create Your Own ChatGPT Application Using Spring Boot

In this blog, I will try to explain how to integrate with OpenAI chat completion APIs to use them and create your own version of ChatGPT. This will utilize the classic Spring Boot app with core Java and OpenAI chat completion API.

We will expose a REST endpoint that will take the query from the end user in the form of requestParam, process it, and return the response in human-readable text format.

Send Email Using Spring Boot (SMTP Integration)

This article explores how to send emails from your very own Spring Boot application.

Yes, you can have a dedicated REST API, which accepts the email sender's and receiver's email addresses, the subject, and the body — the classic attributes that make up a business email. This API can then be invoked at will from your front-end team by passing in the necessary parameters, and Voila! Your email is sent in a breeze.

Introduction to the Hexagonal Architecture in Java

To start with, the hexagonal architecture is nothing but a design pattern. Every design pattern solves some problem, right? That is why it originally came into existence. So, what more does hexagonal architecture bring to the table?

Well, a very common problem is encountered whenever an application tries to interact due to huge dependencies over factors such as UI, the testing environment, DBs, external APIs, and so on.