Top 7 Less Known Angular Features Every Developer Should Know

Every developer knows that Angular is a powerful framework. However, there are some less-known features of Angular that every developer should know. 

Angular is a JavaScript framework that is used for building web applications. It is one of the most popular frameworks and is used by many big companies. Angular has many features that make it a great choice for web development.

How to Use ngTemplateOutlet in Angular With Example

In Angular, we use the ngTemplateOutlet directive to insert an external template into our component's view. This powerful feature allows us to reuse templates and keep our code DRY.

The ngTemplateOutlet directive takes a template reference as its input. This template reference can be a local variable declared in our component's template or a reference to an external template.

Why Is the Flutter Framework Better Than React Native?

Flutter is a new framework for developing mobile apps that promise to be faster and more efficient than React Native. But what exactly is Flutter, and how does it compare to React Native?

Flutter is a mobile app SDK that allows developers to create high-quality native apps for both iOS and Android. Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which is similar to JavaScript, but with some important differences.

How to Use QueryParamsHandling in Angular

When building single-page applications, it is common for the URL to change without the page actually reloading.

This can create problems when trying to access query parameters from the URL. The QueryParamsHandling feature in Angular can help solve this problem. QueryParamsHandling is a routing strategy that allows developers to control how query parameters are handled when the URL changes.