Building Micronaut Microservices Using MicrostarterCLI

MicrostarterCLI is a rapid development tool. It helps you as a developer generate standard reusable codes, configurations, or patterns you need in your application. In a previous article, I went through a basic example of creating REST and GraphQL endpoints in a Micronaut application.

This article demonstrates an example of bootstrapping a Micronaut microservices application using MicrostarterCLI. The application's architecture consists of the following:

Micronaut: Rapid Development With MicrostarterCLI

MicrostarterCLI is a rapid development tool for Micronaut applications. It helps you as a developer to generate standard reusable codes, configurations, or patterns as you need in your application. 

Application Description

In this article, we will develop an ArabicNames service that has REST and GraphQL endpoints. To begin with the development, we will generate a Micronaut application project from Micronaut Launch. Then, we will use MicrostarterCLI to develop the following: 

Spring Boot Configuration: Overriding Built-In Configuration

Learn more about overriding built-in Spring Boot configurations.

The Context and Dependency Injection is one of the main features in Java frameworks and APIs. Spring Boot supports configuration in an intuitive way. In this article, we will tackle configuration in Spring Boot by overriding the existing configuration.

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To make a configuration in Spring Boot, you need to create a class and annotate it with @Configuration. Usually, in the configuration class, you can define a beans object. But if you want to override built-in configuration, you need to create a new class that extends the built-in class. This includes built-in configurations like security, templating, etc.

”Hello, Micronaut” Using

For the past couples of months, I've worked to develop an online starter that helps developers generate Micronaut applications based on Micronaut-Profile Project templates. The Micronaut online starter was published on the website. In this article, we will create a REST web service powered by the Micronaut framework using Let's get to it!

What Is Micronaut?

In a nutshell, Micronaut is a lightweight, JVM-based framework that's ahead of compilation time, with less startup time natively.