Understanding Kubernetes Operators

Automation is one of the fundamental components that makes Kubernetes so robust as a containerization engine. Even complex cloud infrastructure creation can be automated in order to simplify the process of managing cloud deployments. Despite the capability of leveraging so many resources and components to support an application, your cloud environment can still be fairly manageable.

Despite the many tools available on Kubernetes, the effort to make cloud infrastructure management more scalable and automated is ongoing. Kubernetes operator is one of the tools designed to push automation past its limits. You can do so much more without having to rely on manual inputs every time. 

How to Create Your Own Kubernetes Custom Resources

As a platform for managing containerized services and workloads, Kubernetes is incredibly modular. Modularity is more than just a theme; even controllers and resources that are native to Kubernetes are now being built as custom resources and controllers, all for the sake of expanding the platform’s modularity to the next level.

Of course, Kubernetes custom resources are not new to the platform. Custom resources are handy for when you need to extend the basic Kubernetes API and add new, specific features to your cluster. Custom Resources are not the only options when it comes to adding new features, but creating your custom resources is the perfect solution for many challenges.

Serverless CI/CD on the AWS Cloud

CI/CD pipelines have long played a major role in speeding up the development and deployment of cloud-native apps. Cloud services like AWS lend themselves to more agile deployment through the services they offer as well as approaches such as Infrastructure as Code. There is no shortage of tools to help you manage your CI/CD pipeline as well.

While the majority of development teams have streamlined their pipelines to take full advantage of cloud-native features, there is still so much that can be done to refine CI/CD even further. The entire pipeline can now be built as code and managed either via Git as a single source of truth or by using visual tools to help guide the process.

GitOps for Kubernetes

Cloud-native applications are dominating the market with their improved performance and high efficiency. While there are more resources to support cloud-native applications running as microservices, managing complex cloud architecture is still a challenge. The more microservices you run, the more tasks you will have to deal with in order to keep the cloud environment healthy and running smoothly.

Automation becomes an obvious solution to the problem. Kubernetes, in particular, is now supported by new approaches like Infrastructure as Code and a wealth of automation tools. Still, the CI/CD cycle of today demands more robust and Agile architecture. This is where GitOps for Kubernetes comes in handy.

Implementing Aqua Security to Secure Kubernetes

Despite the maturity of the platform, security is still a big challenge for Kubernetes users. While Kubernetes offers maximum flexibility, modularity, and ease of use in other areas, the complex nature of Kubernetes-based environments means securing the cloud environment completely is a complex task to complete.

There are a lot of tools and services that focus on improving security for Kubernetes. Aqua Security, however, is the most comprehensive one on the market. (If you haven’t heard of Aqua Security yet, read my previous blog article here.) Using tried and tested technology, Aqua Security is capable of securing the entire Kubernetes environment with a holistic approach. It is an all-in-one Kubernetes security tool.

Top Secrets Management Tools Compared

As apps become more complex in the way they use microservices, managing API keys and other secrets becomes more challenging as well. Microservices running in containers need to transfer secrets to allow them to communicate with each other. Each of those transfers, and each of the secrets being exchanged, needs to be secured properly for the entire system to remain secure.

Hard-coding API keys and other secrets is definitely NOT an option. Despite the obvious nature of the previous statement, a lot of developers still expose the credentials of their microservices or apps on GitHub. Fortunately, there are tools designed to make managing secrets easier. We are going to compare the best secrets management tools in this article.

Kubernetes Service Discovery

Discover Kubernetes Service Discovery.

Modern applications rely on microservices to remain scalable and efficient. Kubernetes provides the perfect environment for microservices to exist and work together with the tools and features it offers. As each part of the application gets placed in a container, the system as a whole becomes more scalable.

What Is NoOps?

Automation has been driving the entire IT industry forward this past couple of years. By automating certain tasks, development teams can increase their capacity without feeling the budget stress of hiring new team members. Automation also promises higher effectiveness, especially in operations and maintenance.

The traditional software development workflow involves the dev team moving an iteration along a predefined pipeline. Once the development and initial—isolated—testing stages are completed, Devs then hand the code over to the Operations team.