Setup Postgres, and GraphQL API With Hasura on Azure


I created a data model to store railroad systems, services, scheduled, time points, and related information, detailing the schema "Beyond CRUD n' Cruft Data-Modeling" with a few tweaks. The original I'd created for Apache Cassandra, and have since switched to Postgres giving the option of primary and foreign keys, relations, and the related connections for the model.

In this post I'll use that schema to build out infrastructure as a code solution with Terraform, utilizing Postgres and Hasura (OSS).

Does the Cloud Kill Open Source? [Video]

I had a great time at the last Seattle Scalability Meetup. I’ve also just finished processing and fixing up the video from this last Seattle Scalability Meetup. I feel like I’ve finally gotten the process of streaming and getting things put together post-stream so that I can make them available almost immediately afterward.

Here @rseroter gives us a full review of various business models, open source licenses, and a solid situational report on cloud providers and open source.