Convert API Log Data Into Actionable Information

You’ve built an API to solve technical problems, but you know that’s just the beginning. In addition to helping developers use it, you need to understand how they use it. You want to measure its performance and popularity and make adjustments based on what you discover.

Maybe some developers are seeing a lot of errors when making API calls or it’s taking too long for them to get to the first “Hello World.” Perhaps the number of developers converting to paying customers is below your expectations. You want to understand the usage of your API and ensure that customers use your API in the long term.

Developer Experience vs. User Experience

While they may seem similar at first glance, Developer Experience (DX) is not just “User Experience (UX) for developers”. Rather, DX is an extension of UX focused on users who build with technical languages and tooling. DX follows the same core principles of UX but extends it by recognizing that technical details and mechanical processes can be understood and utilized efficiently by a developer.

Great DX happens when developers feel they are being spoken to and having their needs met directly. This means showing code, providing lots of detail, and giving clear instructions for multiple use cases.