Control Access To Private Data Using Azure Storage Shared Access Signatures

Security and governance are two major blockers that either stop or delay the cloud journey of various customers. In this era of the digital world, almost everyone has shown their concerns about the security of their data. Some are concerned due to the nature of data like PII data, and some are concerned due to local compliance laws like GDPR in Europe.

Business Problem  

While I was working on a review assignment, I found that the application was using the Azure Storage Shared access signature for distributing access to private data. Even the developer of the application was using the SAS token as best practice, but it was still having below challenges.

Modernizing a Legacy Microsoft .NET Application by Upgrading It to the Latest Microsoft .NET Core Framework

Business Statement

Recently I was working as a cloud migration architect to migrate several on-premise applications to Microsoft Azure Cloud. During the portfolio analysis, we found that many of the on-premise applications were created long ago by using very initial versions of the Microsoft .NET Framework.

The frameworks in these applications were already at the end of their lifecycles and it would not be easy to get any support for those frameworks. These frameworks were also not supported on Azure Platform as Service (PaaS) offerings.

Data Residency and Sovereignty in Azure

Business Problem  

During my last assignment with a client for migrating some on-premise applications and data to Microsoft Azure, I was asked by the customer that they would only be allowed to store the data in a particular geo location. That is to say, they wanted to know how cloud will help them to follow data residency and sovereignty requirements.

What Is Data Residency?

Data residency is a compliance requirement where a business focuses on storing their data in a specific geo-location. There may be many reasons for this requirement, but it is generally governed by government compliance, such as GDPR in Europe.