Enhancing Testing Efficiency: Transitioning From Traditional Code Coverage to Code Change Coverage

In software development, maintaining high code quality and reliability is crucial for building robust applications. A key metric for gauging testing effectiveness is code coverage, which measures the percentage of code executed during automated tests. While traditional code coverage offers valuable insights, it has limitations. Code change coverage addresses these challenges by focusing testing efforts on recent changes in the codebase. This targeted approach not only optimizes testing but also enhances the reliability and quality of software.

Challenges of Traditional Code Coverage

  • Quantity over quality: Traditional code coverage often prioritizes achieving high percentages across the entire codebase, potentially overlooking critical functionalities and edge cases.
  • Maintenance overhead: Maintaining high coverage requires continuous effort in writing, updating, and maintaining tests, which can be overwhelming in rapidly evolving projects.
  • False security: High coverage can give a false sense of security, masking under-tested areas where critical bugs may lurk.
  • Legacy code: Achieving high code coverage in legacy systems is challenging due to their complexity and lack of modern testing infrastructure.
  • Requirement coverage: Ensuring that newly introduced tests cover all aspects of new requirements adequately is difficult.

How Code Change Coverage Helps

Code change coverage addresses these challenges by targeting recently modified or added code. This approach enhances efficiency and ensures thorough validation before deployment:

Using CNTI/CNF Test Catalog for Non-Telco Cloud-Native Microservices

The Cloud Native Telecom Initiative (CNTI) and the Cloud-Native Network Functions (CNF) Test Catalog are powerful tools designed to ensure telco applications adhere to cloud-native principles and best practices. However, a common misconception is that this tool is limited to telco applications. In reality, the CNTI/CNF Test Catalog is highly versatile and can be effectively used to validate the cloud nativeness of non-telco microservices. 

This article aims to guide you through the process of utilizing the CNTI/CNF Test Catalog for non-telco microservices, overcoming potential challenges, and adding custom tests.