Learn How to Use PHP to Create Microservices

Software is always evolving from the programming languages and frameworks to the architectures of the apps we create. Because of the ever-changing nature of software, companies are always experimenting with ideas to improve software longevity, such as the latest update of the microservice architecture in PHP. Traditionally, web apps are created as monoliths (a single code base, running in the same process), which are generally harder to maintain, as you need to re-deploy the entire app for every change you make unlike with a microservice.

Today, we will learn how to build a microservices architecture in PHP.

Develop a REST API in PHP

REST APIs are the definition of modern web development. While they are easy to build in just about any modern framework, most PHP developers choose to use Lumen/Laravel or Symfony. These frameworks make it easy to handle complex issues like authentication/authorization, request validation, data transformation, filters, rate throttling, complex endpoints with sub-resources, and API documentation.

A complex framework isn’t necessarily needed to build a secure API. In this post, you’ll build a simple REST API in PHP from scratch. You’ll secure your API with Okta by implementing the Client Credentials Flow.