Trigger Salesforce Assignment Rules and Send Notifications From MuleSoft

In many MuleSoft integration projects, there is a requirement to create lead or case records in Salesforce. Organizations typically use the lead assignment rule and case assignment rule to automatically assign new leads or cases to the users or queue.

When we create leads or cases from MuleSoft using the Salesforce connector, by default it does not trigger the assignment rules and does not send email notifications to owners.

An Effective Way To Start a NextJS Project

Choosing a framework for starting a new project can be quite challenging, considering the many frameworks and tools available today. Developers who want to build high-performance and scalable web applications often choose Next.js over others. No wonder, since Next.js is a React framework created by Vercel, offers a comprehensive solution for building server-side rendered (SSR) and static web applications. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG): Next.js supports both SSR and SSG, allowing developers to choose the best rendering method for their needs. SSR improves SEO and page load speed by rendering pages on the server, while SSG can pre-render pages at build time for faster performance.
  • Built-in routing: Next.js simplifies routing with its file-based routing system. By organizing your files and folders in the pages directory, you can automatically create corresponding routes, eliminating the need for an external router library.
  • Optimized performance: Next.js comes with a host of performance optimizations out of the box, including code splitting, automatic static optimization, and image optimization, ensuring your application runs efficiently.

Starting from scratch can be time-consuming, especially when configuring essential features like authorization and CRUD operations. A proper approach is to use a ready-made boilerplate that includes these settings, allowing you to focus on building features rather than setting up the basics. By applying a ready-to-use Next.js boilerplate, you would get:

How to Configure Custom Metrics in AWS Elastic Beanstalk Using Memory Metrics Example

Recently, I encountered a task where a business was using AWS Elastic Beanstalk but was struggling to understand the system state due to the lack of comprehensive metrics in CloudWatch. By default, CloudWatch only provides a few basic metrics such as CPU and Networks. However, it’s worth noting that Memory and Disk metrics are not included in the default metric collection.

Fortunately, each Elastic Beanstalk virtual machine (VM) comes with a CloudWatch agent that can be easily configured to collect additional metrics. For example, if you need information about VM memory consumption, which AWS does not provide out of the box, you can configure the CloudWatch agent to collect this data. This can greatly enhance your visibility into the performance and health of your Elastic Beanstalk environment, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your application’s performance.

DDN and Tintri: Powering the Future of AI and Enterprise Storage

As the demand for high-performance storage solutions continues to grow, especially in the realms of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), industry leaders DDN and Tintri are stepping up to meet the challenge. At the 56th IT Press Tour, these companies unveiled their latest innovations, designed to empower developers, engineers, and architects with cutting-edge tools to manage and leverage data at unprecedented scales. Let's dive into how these advancements are set to transform the landscape of data management and AI infrastructure.

DDN: Revolutionizing AI Storage at Scale

DDN, a longtime leader in high-performance storage solutions, is making significant strides in the AI storage space. Their approach is twofold, focusing on both massive-scale operations and enterprise-level AI needs.

Performance and Scalability Analysis of Redis and Memcached

Speed and scalability are significant issues today, at least in the application landscape. Among the critical enablers for fast data access implementation within in-memory data stores are the game changers in recent times, which are technologies like Redis and Memcached. However, the question arises of choosing the best one. This article takes a plunge into the comparative analysis of these two cult technologies, highlights the critical performance metrics concerning scalability considerations, and, through real-world use cases, gives you the clarity to confidently make an informed decision. 

We have run these benchmarks on the AWS EC2 instances and designed a custom dataset to make it as close as possible to real application use cases. We compare throughput, operations per second, and latency under different loads, namely the P90 and P99 percentiles. We investigate deeper in a clustered environment and try identifying the scalability characteristics of both Redis and Memcached, including the implementation and management complexities of either. This level of comparison detail will assist decision-makers with the information they would need to make a more appropriate choice of an in-memory data store for their needs. 

Apache Hudi: A Deep Dive With Python Code Examples

In today's data-driven world, real-time data processing and analytics have become crucial for businesses to stay competitive. Apache Hudi (Hadoop Upserts and Incremental) is an open-source data management framework that provides efficient data ingestion and real-time analytics on large-scale datasets stored in data lakes. In this blog, we'll explore Apache Hudi with a technical deep dive and Python code examples, using a business example for better clarity.

  • Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction to Apache Hudi 
    • Key Features of Apache Hudi
  2. Business Use Case
  3. Setting Up Apache Hudi
  4. Ingesting Data with Apache Hudi
  5. Querying Data with Apache Hudi
  6. Security and Other Aspects
    • Security
    • Performance Optimization
    • Monitoring and Management
  7. Conclusion

1. Introduction to Apache Hudi

Apache Hudi is designed to address the challenges associated with managing large-scale data lakes, such as data ingestion, updating, and querying. Hudi enables efficient data ingestion and provides support for both batch and real-time data processing.

Outsmarting Cyber Threats: How Large Language Models Can Revolutionize Email Security

Email remains one of the most common vectors for cyber attacks, including phishing, malware distribution, and social engineering. Traditional methods of email security have been effective to some extent, but the increasing sophistication of attackers demands more advanced solutions. This is where Large Language Models (LLMs), like OpenAI's GPT-4, come into play. In this article, we explore how LLMs can be utilized to detect and mitigate email security threats, enhancing overall cybersecurity posture.

Understanding Large Language Models

What Are LLMs?

LLMs are artificial intelligence models that are trained on vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like text. They are capable of understanding context and semantics and can perform a variety of language-related tasks.

Using Agile To Recover Failing Projects

Did you know that up to 84% of Waterfall and 47% of Agile projects either fail or don’t meet expected results? That may sound like an alarming number, but the point of this is not to be a doomsayer or to focus on the perceived negative. What those numbers reflect is an opportunity. An opportunity to turn a seemingly failed project into a flourishing one, to learn lessons, and to leverage the things that make Agile principles work so smoothly when they do. 

The name for Agile methodologies was chosen well and done so for a reason. To be agile is to be quick on your feet, to be able to adapt quickly, and to be able to solve unpredictable problems while keeping momentum. Just like in a fast-paced race, when things start to go wrong, they tend to do so quickly. Agile problems require agile solutions — to be solved as speedily as they appear or change or ripple outwards. 

How a Project Manager Can Increase Software Quality With Agile Practices

Quality is the pillar that supports any software product. If a platform works poorly, both the business and the customers fail, as they do not get what they are looking for or satisfy their most immediate needs. That's why, as customer demands and market competitiveness increase, software teams must adapt quickly to deliver high-quality products.

In this scenario, Agile practices can make an important difference and are the basis of project managers today, since they can not only improve efficiency through the Agile methodology but also promote software quality in a notable way.

Theme-Based Front-End Architecture Leveraging Tailwind CSS for White-Label Systems

Tailwind CSS can be a helpful tool for creating multiple themes in your React app. You can define utility classes for each theme and conditionally apply them based on user preferences or any other criteria. This allows you to easily switch between themes without writing custom styles for each one.

To implement multiple themes with Tailwind CSS in a React app, you can follow these general steps:

Operational Excellence Best Practices

In the summer of 2023, my team entered into a code yellow to stabilize the health of the service we own. This service powers the visualization on the dashboard product. The decision was made following high-severity incidents impacting the availability of the service.  

For context, the service provides aggregation data to dashboard visualizations by gathering aggregations through the data pipeline. This is a critical path service for dashboard rendering. Any impact on the availability of this service manifests itself as dashboard viewers experiencing delays in rendering visualizations and rendering failures in some cases.  

How to Contact WordPress Support (Complete Beginner’s Guide)

Have you ever run into a problem on your WordPress website and are unsure where to turn for help? Don’t worry, you’re not alone!

WordPress is a powerful platform, but even for beginners, things can sometimes go wrong. This is where you need someone to guide you or help you troubleshoot issues on your website.

WordPress doesn’t offer direct support to its users. But across our 16+ years of using the platform, we have discovered the best ways to get help for WordPress problems. These include support forums, online communities, hosting providers, and more.

In this guide, we will show you how to contact WordPress support.

Contact WordPress support

When Might You Need to Contact WordPress Support?

While WordPress is incredibly user-friendly and powers more than 43% of the websites on the internet, there can be times when you hit a roadblock and don’t know what to do next.

For example, you might need support when plugins clash with each other or with your theme, causing unexpected behavior on your website. This could lead to anything from broken layouts to malfunctioning forms.

If you are making changes to your theme’s code to personalize your website’s design, then you might run into WordPress errors or unintended visual effects. To fix this issue, you might need to contact a support team for help.

Alternatively, making updates to the core WordPress software can cause compatibility problems with your plugins or theme. This can lead to features malfunctioning or your website displaying incorrectly.

Similarly, if you suspect your website has been hacked or is vulnerable to security threats, then seeking help from a WordPress expert is super important.

Why Doesn’t WordPress Offer Support Services?

When you think of support, the first thing that comes to mind is probably talking to a customer support agent via live chat or email.

However, with WordPress, you don’t get a direct support option. There is no email support or an official WordPress phone number.

That’s because WordPress is 100% free and open-source software. This means that it’s free software developed by people all over the world. In short, they don’t have the resources needed to staff a dedicated support team.

Instead, relies on its community for assistance. They have a forum system where users can ask questions and get help from other users and experienced volunteers.

Note that there is a difference between and You will get customer support via live chat and email in the paid plans on But when we speak about WordPress, we mean

That said, there are different ways to contact WordPress support. You can click the links below to jump ahead to any section:

1. Get Free Support From WordPress Forums and Communities

The best part about using WordPress is that there are tons of free resources available to help you troubleshoot your issues or answer any queries.

To start, you can visit the forum, where you’ll find forums dedicated to specific WordPress features, plugins, and themes.

For example, you can view post questions about installing WordPress or fixing WordPress.

WordPress forum

Besides the official forum, there are other platforms as well where you can reach out for help and support.

For instance, you can join WPBeginner’s Facebook group, which has over 98,000 members. Simply post your questions in the group, and other WordPress enthusiasts and experts will respond to your query. Or you can search for existing conversations around the same topic to find solutions.

WPBeginner Facebook group

2. WordPress Documentation, Blogs, and Other Resources

Another way you can get WordPress support is through different WordPress documentation, tutorials, and guides on blogs or other free resources.

To start, you can view the documentation section on the website. There, you can find tutorials on how to get started and use WordPress.

You’ll also find technical guides and documentation on maintaining your website. These are good starting points for getting basic support and troubleshooting WordPress on your own without needing technical expertise.

WordPress documentation

Other than that, there are many WordPress blogs you can follow to get support. For instance, you can follow WPBeginner, as we are the largest free WordPress resource site for beginners.

Founded in 2009 by Syed Balkhi, our goal is to provide helpful tutorials on WordPress for small business owners, bloggers, and non-techy WordPress users.

You can follow our tutorials and guides to learn about WordPress and get support.

WPBeginner home page

Aside from written text, you can also watch videos on our YouTube channel to fix issues on your site or add a new feature. There are thousands of videos you can easily learn from.

Finally, we have a bunch of free video tutorials on our own website. Here, we cover everything from installing WordPress to troubleshooting issues and making money from your website.

3. Reach Out to WordPress Hosting and Plugin Support

While there are fantastic free resources available, sometimes you might need a more personalized approach. Luckily, there are plenty of free and paid support options offered by your web hosting service and theme and plugin developers.

For instance, many WordPress hosting companies offer basic support as part of their hosting plans. It’s best to check with your provider to see what kind of support they offer.

If we look at Bluehost, which is an official WordPress hosting partner, then they offer 24/7 live chat support and phone support, along with a detailed knowledge base for written documentation.

Bluehost support options

Similarly, some theme and plugin developers offer premium support for their products. These typically involve direct email access, ticket systems, or live chat with their support team.

Depending on your pricing plan, you will get standard support or priority support.

Here’s how All in One SEO (AIOSEO) offers support to their customers. You can open a support ticket to resolve technical issues or ask basic questions through a form.

AIOSEO support options

4. Hire a WordPress Maintenance & Support Agency

All of the options we have discussed so far can be super helpful if you run into the occasional problem. But if you are looking for around-the-clock technical support for WordPress, then it might be time to hire a maintenance and support agency.

Website maintenance services manage your WordPress site for you. This includes taking care of backups, updates, security, and website edits. If you’re just starting out, then they can install WordPress and design the website for you as well.

One of the best support agencies you can hire today is WPBeginner Pro Maintenance Services. We have over 16+ years of experience and have helped over 100,000 users, so your website is in safe hands.

WPBeginner Pro Maintenance Services

Our team of experts will handle everything needed to maintain your WordPress site or eCommerce store. This includes everything from making cloud backups to keeping core files, plugins, and themes updated and scanning your site for security threats.

Besides that, you get 24/7 support, so if you run into any trouble or encounter an issue, our team is always available to help.

Other than basic maintenance, there are other WPBeginner Pro Services you can also use. For instance, we can repair hacked sites, optimize your site for speed, design a fully custom website, and help out with search engine optimization (SEO) to boost organic traffic.

You can go through our complete list of the best WordPress support agencies for more options.

FAQs About WordPress Support

What is the WordPress phone number? does not offer phone support to its users. Instead, you can use the free forums, ask for help from your hosting provider, or hire a WordPress support agency.

Does have email support? doesn’t have email support, but you can often get email or ticketing support from plugin developers. There are also support options from hosting providers and WordPress maintenance agencies.

We hope this article helped you learn how to contact WordPress support. You may also want to see our guide on crucial WordPress maintenance tasks to perform regularly and the best live chat software for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Contact WordPress Support (Complete Beginner’s Guide) first appeared on WPBeginner.