How Retrieval Augment Generation Makes LLMs Smarter Than Before

Ideal Generative AI vs. Reality

Foundational LLMs have read every byte of text they could find and their chatbot counterparts can be prompted to have intelligent conversations and be asked to perform specific tasks. Access to comprehensive information is democratized; No more figuring out the right keywords to search or picking sites to read from. However, LLMs are prone to rambling and generally respond with the statistically most probable response you’d want to hear (sycophancy) an inherent result of the transformer model. Extracting 100% accurate information out of an LLM’s knowledge base doesn’t always yield trustworthy results.

Chat LLMs are infamous for making up citations to scientific papers or court cases that don’t exist. Lawyers filing a suit against an airline included citations to court cases that never actually happened. A 2023 study reported, that when ChatGPT is prompted to include citations, it had only provided references that exist only 14% of the time. Falsifying sources, rambling, and delivering inaccuracies to appease the prompt are dubbed hallucination, a huge obstacle to overcome before AI is fully adopted and trusted by the masses.
