Enhancing Operational Efficiency of Legacy Batch Systems: An All-Encompassing Manual

In the ever-changing realm of modern business practices, ensuring the successful execution of batch jobs is vital for activities like data processing, system upkeep, and the general workflow of the organization. However, unforeseen disruptions, system malfunctions, or errors can hinder these batch processes, creating operational hurdles and jeopardizing data integrity. A groundbreaking approach, as outlined in innovation – Patent US1036596B1, has been introduced to address this challenge.  

Understanding Batch Systems and Challenges

Batch jobs involve sequences of operations executed without direct user involvement. Traditionally, data pipelines have been established to ensure synchronization between online transaction processing (OLTP) and backend systems, such as Mainframes. In this configuration, one system generates a file, and the other processes it, maintaining synchronization between OLTP and backend systems. However, this setup is prone to failures due to factors like files getting stuck in the transfer process, delayed file arrivals, or data format errors resulting from manual input. Recovering from these failures manually can be a time-consuming process, resulting in downtime and the potential for data inconsistencies.
