Open Source Instant Messaging (IM) Project OpenIM Source Code Deployment Guide

Deploying OpenIM involves multiple components and supports various methods, including source code, Docker, and Kubernetes. This requires ensuring compatibility between different deployment methods while effectively managing differences between versions. Indeed, these are complex issues involving in-depth technical details and precise system configurations. Our goal is to simplify the deployment process while maintaining the system's flexibility and stability to suit different users' needs. Currently, version 3.5 has simplified the deployment process, and this version will be maintained for a long time. We welcome everyone to use it.

1. Environment and Component Requirements

 Environmental Requirements

Note Detailed Description
OS Linux system
Hardware At least 4GB of RAM
Golang v1.19 or higher
Docker v24.0.5 or higher
Git v2.17.1 or higher

Storage Component Requirements

Storage Component Recommended Version
MongoDB v6.0.2 or higher
Redis v7.0.0 or higher
Zookeeper v3.8
Kafka v3.5.1
MySQL v5.7 or higher
MinIO Latest version

2. Deploying OpenIM Server (IM)

2.1 Setting OPENIM_IP

# If the server has an external IP
export OPENIM_IP="external IP"
# If only providing internal network services
export OPENIM_IP="internal IP"

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