Event-Driven Process Orchestration: A Practitioner’s Viewpoint

Customers today seek agile, nimble, flexible, and composable services. Services that are unhindered and unencumbered. Services that are easy to access and even easier to experience. Services that are quick and precise. These factors affect the collective CSAT and NPS of a modern-day enterprise. Enterprises acknowledge this, and hence, around 85% of medium to large-sized enterprises are already using the microservices architecture. The distributed architecture of microservices applications renders the components of the applications independent, decentralized, failure resistant, maintained, and upgraded in isolation, therefore fueling self-sufficiency, scalability, system reliability, and simplified service offerings. 

However, while microservices architecture readies the application for agile servicing, true customer experience arises not solely from the decoupled application components but the way in which every step in a customer success workflow triggers a logical subsequent step automatically to ensure customer delight. This is because as the business process extends and more components get added, “cohesion chaos” can become a reality. The absence of proper orchestration of process steps in a logical flow, keeping the customer end goal in mind, can quickly render the supposed benefits of the microservices landscape futile.
