Project Hygiene, Part 2: Combatting Goodhart’s Law and Other “Project Smells”

This is a continuation of the Project Hygiene series about best software project practices that started with this article.


“It works until it doesn’t” is a phrase that sounds like a truism at first glance but can hold a lot of insight in software development. Take, for instance, the very software that gets produced. There is no shortage of jokes and memes about how the “prettiness” of what the end-user sees when running a software application is a mere façade that hides a nightmare of kludges, “temporary” fixes that have become permanent, and other less-than-ideal practices. These get bundled up into a program that works just as far as the developers have planned out; a use case that falls outside of what the application has been designed for could cause the entire rickety code base to fall apart. When a catastrophe of this kind does occur, a post-mortem is usually conducted to find out just how things went so wrong. Maybe it was some black-swan moment that simply never could’ve been predicted (and would be unlikely to occur again in the future), but it’s just as possible that there was some issue within the project that never got treated until it was too late.
