How To Handle API Rate Limitations With a Queue

Rate limitation is also a challenge for the apps that encounter it, as it requires to “slow down” or pause. Here’s a typical scenario:

  • Initial Request: When the app initiates communication with the API, it requests specific data or functionality.
  • API Response: The API processes the request and responds with the requested information or performs the desired action.
  • Rate-Limitation: If the app has reached the limit, it will usually need to wait until the next designated time frame (like a minute to an hour) before making additional requests. If it is a “soft” rate limitation and timeframes are known and linear, it’s easier to handle. Often, the waiting time climbs and increases in every block, requiring a whole different and custom handling per each API.
  • Handling Rate Limit Exceedances: If the app exceeds the rate limit, it might receive an error response from the API (such as a “429 Too Many Requests” status code). The app needs to handle this gracefully, possibly by queuing requests, implementing backoff strategies (waiting for progressively more extended periods before retrying), or informing the user about the rate limit being reached.

To effectively operate within rate limitations, apps often incorporate strategies like:
