SAS: Telling a Story With Data

Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) has long been used as a data analytical tool to perform complex analyses. With SAS, you use statements to write a series of instructions called a SAS program. The program communicates what you want to do and is written using SAS language. There are some menu-driven front ends to SAS, for example, SAS Enterprise Guide software which makes SAS appear like a point-and-click program. But in the realm of the modern era where we are progressing in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and metaverse, why do most of the consulting firms stick to SAS programming to tell a story? Let us try to break it up.

What Do Consulting Firms Do?

Economic/Management Consulting

Many big consulting firms across the world provide business insights and help in growing the business or help them bail out of financial stress and litigation. That is the reason they are so attractive and lucrative career for most of the people. Consultants will have to crunch the numbers and most importantly they should be strong in explaining the methodology used and explain even a minute detail to the clients to attract future business. Especially, Economic consultants use their expertise to analyze complex economic issues, provide insights, and offer strategic advice to clients.
