Navigating the Winds of Change: Key 2024 Technology Trends

As 2023 concludes, the stage is set for pivotal shifts across the technology landscape over the next two years. From advancements in AI to innovations in infrastructure and security, major developments lie ahead that will shape technological strategies. Staying abreast of these emerging trends is prudent as we build and safeguard the digital ecosystem.

AI Gets Smarter, and More Dangerous

The relentless momentum of AI will accelerate, reaching new heights in sophistication. While promising immense benefits, pervasive AI also poses risks, especially as generative models become more adept at creating realistic fraudulent communications. As Valimail's CTO Seth Blank outlined, "There will be a significant rise in the sophistication of cyber threats, primarily due to the advancement and widespread use of AI and generative AI." Safeguarding systems and data against AI-enabled threats is imperative.
