Demystifying Static Mocking With Mockito

These days, writing tests is a standard part of development. Unfortunately, we need to deal from time to time with a situation when a static method is invoked by a tested component. Our goal is to mitigate this part and avoid third-party component behavior. This article sheds light on the mocking of static methods by using the "inline mock maker" introduced by Mockito in the 3.4 version. In other words, this article explains Mockito.mockStatic method in order to help us with unwanted invocation of the static method.

In This Article, You Will Learn

  • How to mock and verify static methods with mockStatic feature
  • How to setup mockStatic in different Mockito versions


Many times, we have to deal with a situation when our code invokes a static method. It can be our own code (e.g., some utility class or class from a third-party library). The main concern in unit testing is to focus on the tested component and ignore the behavior of any other component (including static methods). An example is when a tested method in component A is calling an unrelated static method from component B.
