Are You Facing an Error When You Run the StartDagServerMaintenance.ps1 Script?

In Exchange Server, if you need to do some maintenance work on a node and need to stop the services, restart the server, or shut down the server, it’s important to set the Exchange Server in maintenance mode. This allows you to stop and start the server with no impact. In the Exchange Server, the StartDagServerMaintenance.ps1 script is used to run various commands to put the Exchange server in maintenance mode. However, sometimes, when running the script, you may get the following error:

VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Move-DagActiveCopy: Entering: `$MailboxServer=ExServer, `$Database=
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Move-DagActiveCopy: Moving all replicated active databases off server ExServer
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Move-DagActiveCopy: moving database 'DBName' off server 'ExServer'
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Move-DagMasterCopy: Entering: `$db=DBName, `$srcServer=ExServer, `$preferredTarget=
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Test-DagTargetCopy: Testing move criteria for DatabaseName\ExchangeServer, with `$Lossless=True and `$CICheck=False …
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Test-DagTargetCopy: Name='DatabaseName\ExchangeServer', Status='DisconnectedAndHealthy', CIStatus='Healthy', CopyQueueLength=0, ReplayQueueLength=0
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Test-DagTargetCopy: Leaving (returning 'False')
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Test-DagTargetCopy: Testing move criteria for DBName\DR-ExServer, with `$Lossless=True and `$CICheck=False …
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Test-DagTargetCopy: Name='DBName\DR-ExServer', Status='DisconnectedAndHealthy', CIStatus='Healthy', CopyQueueLength=0, ReplayQueueLength=0
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Test-DagTargetCopy: Leaving (returning 'False')
VERBOSE: [Time UTC] Move-DagMasterCopy: 0 copies out of 3 for database DBName will be attempted for move.
 Log-Error : [Time UTC] Move-DagMasterCopy: Database 'DBName' *FAILED* to move! Now attempting to perform rollback to prevent a DB outage…

At D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange\V14\scripts\DagCommonLibrary.ps1:483 char:14 + Log-Error <<<< ($DagCommonLibrary_LocalizedStrings.res_0064 –f $db,"Move-DagMasterCopy") + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: ( : ) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException + FullyQualifiedErrorId :   Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Log-Error
