Comparative Analysis of Open Source Cluster Management Systems: Kubernetes vs. Apache Mesos

Cluster management systems are critical software solutions that enable the efficient allocation and utilization of computing resources in a network of interconnected machines. No doubt, they play a vital role in modern computing by ensuring scalability, high availability, and effective resource management, making them essential for running complex applications, managing data centers, and further multiplying the power of distributed computing. As reported by National Grid ESO, data centres, despite all advancements, still account for a significant 1% of global electricity consumption, and that is where Cluster Management Systems might play a crucial role in enhancing energy efficiency.

Before we dive into the details, it's important to note that this article is not about declaring one system as the "better" choice. Instead, we're starting a journey to compare and contrast two prominent open-source cluster management systems, Kubernetes and Apache Mesos, for they have quite different approaches. We'll shine a light on their unique features, strengths, and weaknesses, helping one make informed decisions based on one’s specific needs.
