Hubspot API Integration With WordPress CMS

“There is a saying if we need to do a thing right, we need to do it right the first time, rather than doing things in a way that works now but breaks later :)."

Well, as per this saying, imagine if we are traveling in a forest and we come across a situation where we see there are two different ways to reach your destination, and we might think, well, if we go by either of them, we will reach our destination easily, but what we not know is which way is effective for us and according to our situation, let’s say.

A Deep Dive Into the Directory Quotas Design of a Distributed File System

As an open-source distributed file system, JuiceFS introduced the directory quota feature in version 1.1. The released commands support setting quotas for directories, fetching directory quota information, and listing all directory quotas. For details, see the Command Reference document.

In designing this feature, our team went through numerous discussions and trade-offs regarding its accuracy, effectiveness, and performance implications.

Gen-AI: Fun, Fear, and Future!

Image Generation AI: Reshaping the Landscape of Creativity, Innovation and Policies

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence has made astonishing progress and achieved remarkable milestones, and Image processing is one area that has been particularly transformative. With the advent of sophisticated AI models like DALL-E 2, Midjourney, and Imagen, the ability to create stunning and realistic images from mere text descriptions is no longer a distant dream. This groundbreaking technology is rapidly transforming various industries and redefining the boundaries of creativity.

Image Generated on Imagen on Vertex AI by Google using prompt

Exploring IoT Integration With Wearable Devices From a Software Development Angle

In the vanguard of the ever-evolving digital world, the rapid increase of wearable contrivances and the expanding realm of the Internet of Things (IoT) have firmly gripped the world's technological spotlight. The amalgamation of IoT with wearable devices has arisen as a pivotal focus within the tech sphere, bestowing upon us an abundance of potential that ensures shifting progress across sectors as diverse as healthcare, fitness, transportation, and beyond. In the subsequent discourse, we shall embark on an in-depth exploration of the intricate domain that is the integration of IoT and wearable technology. Our journey will encompass an exploration of how significant it has become, the formidable challenges that lie in its path, and the driving force behind its software development.

Surveying the Landscape of Wearable Devices

From its humble beginnings as a simple wristwatch, wearable technology has evolved significantly. Nowadays, it encompasses a diverse range of devices, including fitness trackers, smart glasses, smart clothing, and even implantable medical tools. These cutting-edge technologies diligently gather data from both the human body and the surrounding environment. The information collected is then transmitted to other devices, networks, or cloud platforms for thorough examination and analysis.

How To Approach Amazon API Gateway as a Mule Developer (Part I)

Amazon API Gateway

Do you want to create your first API in Amazon API Gateway but don’t know where to start? Plus, you have experience defining API Specifications in RAML with Design Center, and you are wondering if that knowledge can be leveraged.

If you have defined API specifications in Anypoint Platform’s Design Center with RAML in the past, understanding and working with Amazon API Gateway can be an easy lift. While RAML is a modeling language and Amazon API Gateway is a service (and are, by definition, tools for different purposes), we can leverage your knowledge.

Security Vulnerabilities in CasaOS

As part of our continuous effort to improve our Clean Code technology and the security of the open-source ecosystem, our R&D team is always on the lookout for new 0-day security vulnerabilities in prominent software.

We recently uncovered two critical code vulnerabilities in a personal cloud solution named CasaOS. CasaOS can be installed on any machine thanks to Docker and comes with end-user NAS devices like the ZimaBoard or the X86Pi. Users deploy CasaOS to store their personal data on devices they trust and access it from anywhere.

10 Ways to Create an Interactive Homepage

Interactive homepage.An interactive homepage can make your website more engaging and help you stand out from your competitors. However, designing an interactive page can be difficult when you lack design or coding skills. Fortunately, there are tons of ways for beginners to create homepages that prompt visitors to do something (interactivity). You can add contact forms, user-generated content, fun quizzes, polls, and many other interactive elements.