What is the best dedicated server

Essentially, there is no best hosting provider for everyone, there is only the provider that is best for you, that is, the provider that best fits your web hosting needs within your budget.

The lowest cost is not always the best option

Your website is often the face of your business online, so the lowest cost for a server doesn't always work out, as hard-earned savings can sometimes turn into soft money headaches. I mean, you might see comparison servers with huge price differences, so what's the problem? Whether it's customer support or hardware quality, budget dedicated servers come at a price.

Support infrastructure really matters

You must consider the infrastructure that supports your server. If you rent a high-performance server but the provider's network is constantly down for hours at a time, that money is essentially wasted. Not only will this affect your organic ranking on search engines, it will turn away visitors and hinder future sales.Hosted or unmanaged

Servers that cost a few hundred dollars usually don't include customer support, so if you have trouble installing the operating system or scripts, you're on your own. If you're not good at managing servers, it's best left to the professionals.

Location and latency matter

Location does matter as it affects latency. What you need to consider is the primary geographical location of your target audience. The time it takes to download your website is critical, especially if you are running an e-commerce website or a gaming server. There are free third-party websites that measure website speed, such as GTmetrix. Always ask for a test IP address so you know ahead of time what your website visitors connection speeds will be.
Other considerations

Other questions to consider might be: does the vendor offer DDoS protection, do they offer IPv6 addresses in addition to IPv4 addresses, what kind of disk array solutions do they offer, do they offer SSD drives as well as larger HDDs , what port speeds are provided, how much bandwidth is allowed, whether they will customize the server for you, etc.