The Pitfalls of Using General AI in Software Development: A Case for a Human-Centric Approach

With the development of general artificial intelligence, it is now also taking its place in jobs that require intellectual knowledge and creativity. In the realm of software development, the idea of harnessing General AI's cognitive capabilities has gained considerable attention. The notion of software that can think, learn, and adapt like a human programmer sounds enticing, promising to streamline development processes and potentially revolutionize the industry. However, beneath the surface allure lies a significant challenge: the difficulty of modifying General AI-based systems once they are deployed.

General AI, also known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), embodies the concept of machines possessing human-like intelligence and adaptability. In the world of software development, it has the potential to automate a myriad of tasks, from coding to debugging. Nevertheless, as we delve into the promises and perils of incorporating General AI into the software development process, a series of critical concerns and challenges come to the forefront.
