Choreography Pattern: Optimizing Communication in Distributed Systems

In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape,  it's common for applications to migrate to the cloud to embrace the microservice architecture. While this architectural approach offers scalability, reusability, and adaptability, it also presents a unique challenge: effectively managing communication between these microservices. Successfully coordinating messages among these services is a fundamental aspect of their design. There are two popular methodologies available to tackle this challenge. The first, Service Orchestration, was discussed in my previous article. In this article, we will dig into the second methodology: Choreography. We aim to comprehensively understand the nuances, advantages, and disadvantages that the Choreography methodology brings.

Problem Context

To address the communication challenge, we introduced the concept of an orchestrator, a central authority tasked with coordinating and streamlining the flow of transactions across these autonomous microservices. But here's the question that looms large: Is the Orchestration Pattern a universal solution, or does its effectiveness vary depending on the scenario? Can a central orchestrator virtually manage all the business problems, or are there scenarios where a different approach besides being preferable is also essential?
