Essential Complexity Is the Developer’s Unique Selling Point

In my previous post, I highlighted the difference between efficiency and effectiveness and how it maps to artificial versus human intelligence. Doing things fast and with minimum waste is the domain of deterministic algorithms. But to know when we’re building the right thing (effectiveness) is our domain. It’s a slippery and subjective challenge, tied up with the confusing reality of trying to make human existence more comfortable with the help of software.

Today I want to talk about essential complexity. A fully autonomous AI programmer would need to be told exactly what we want, and why, or it should be sufficiently attuned to our values to fill in the gaps. Sadly, we cannot trust AI yet to reliably connect the dots without human help and corrections. It’s not like telling an autonomous vehicle where you want to go. That has a very simple goal – and we’re nowhere near a failsafe implementation.

Message Construction: Enhancing Enterprise Integration Patterns

In today’s interconnected digital landscape, businesses often rely on multiple applications, systems, and services to support their operations. To ensure seamless communication and data exchange between these disparate components, enterprise integration patterns play a crucial role. At the heart of these integration patterns lies message construction, which involves the creation and structuring of messages for effective communication and interoperability.

Whether interactions are taking place between people, systems, or organizations, effective communication is at the core of every successful interaction. Messages are essential for data exchange and interoperability in the fields of computer science and information systems. It is crucial to use clearly defined message construction patterns in order to ensure seamless communication. These patterns offer a structured method for creating messages, promoting comprehension, compatibility, and effective information exchange.

Continuous Integration vs. Continuous Deployment

The terms Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment tend to be combined into the acronym CI/CD to describe the process of building and deploying software, often without distinction between the two. The terms describe distinct processes, even if combining them suggests that Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are an extension of Continuous Integration and the execution of both processes is the responsibility of a single tool.

Assuming CI/CD is just CI with a deployment step ignores some fundamental differences between the two processes. In this post, we look at: