Training a Handwritten Digits Classifier in Pytorch With Apache Cassandra Database

Handwritten digit recognition is one of the classic tasks undertaken by students when learning the basics of Neural Networks and Computer Vision. The basic idea is to take a number of labeled images of handwritten digits and use those to train a neural network that is able to classify new unlabeled images. For this demo, we show how to use data stored in a large-scale database as our training data. We also explain how to use that same database as a basic model registry. This addition can enable model serving as well as potentially future retraining.


MNIST is a set of datasets that share a particular format useful for educating students about neural networks while presenting them with diverse problems. The MNIST datasets for this demo are a collection of 28 by 28-pixel grayscale images as data and classifications 0-9 as potential labels. This demo works with the original MNIST handwritten digits dataset as well as the MNIST fashion dataset. 
