How To Validate Archives and Identify Invalid Documents in Java

In our contemporary cybersecurity landscape, sneaky custom content threats are beginning to penetrate our email security policies and firewalls/virus-scanning network proxies with greater consistency. Aptly disguised files can easily wind their way into our inboxes and our most sensitive file storage locations, and they can lurk there for extended periods, waiting patiently for unsuspecting victims to download and execute their malicious payloads.  

Seemingly, the faster we rush to understand and mitigate one iteration of a hidden content threat, the quicker that threat evolves into something entirely new, catching us by surprise again and again.

Spring WebFlux Retries

If you use Spring WebFlux, you probably want your requests to be more resilient. In this case, we can just use the retries that come packaged with the WebFlux library.

WebFlux logoThere are various cases that we can take into account:

How To Start a Successful Career in DevOps

If you're considering working in DevOps, you're likely aware that it can be a challenging and rewarding field. The good news is that there are several key steps that you can take to launch a successful career. 

Starting a successful career in DevOps requires more than just technical skills. It's equally important to understand industry-specific knowledge, tools, and methodologies to maximize the impact of your technical skills. 

Deploy a Session Recording Solution Using Ansible and Audit Your Bastion Host

Learn how to record SSH sessions on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux VSI in a Private VPC network using in-built packages. The VPC private network is provisioned through Terraform and the RHEL packages are installed using Ansible automation.

What Is Session Recording and Why Is It Required?

As noted in "Securely record SSH sessions on RHEL in a private VPC network," a Bastion host and a jump server are both security mechanisms used in network and server environments to control and enhance security when connecting to remote systems. They serve similar purposes but have some differences in their implementation and use cases. The Bastion host is placed in front of the private network to take SSH requests from public traffic and pass the request to the downstream machine. Bastion hosts and jump servers are vulnerable to intrusion as they are exposed to public traffic.

Automated Testing: The Missing Piece of Your CI/CD Puzzle

This is an article from DZone's 2023 Automated Testing Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

DevOps and CI/CD pipelines help scale application delivery drastically — with some organizations reporting over 208 times more frequent code deployments. However, with such frequent deployments, the stability and reliability of the software releases often become a challenge. This is where automated testing comes into play. Automated testing acts as a cornerstone in supporting efficient CI/CD workflows. It helps organizations accelerate applications into production and optimize resource efficiency by following a fundamental growth principle: build fast, fail fast.

Unraveling Lombok’s Code Design Pitfalls: Exploring Encapsulation Issues

In the ever-evolving world of Java development, developers constantly look for tools and libraries to simplify the code-writing process. One such tool is Project Lombok, often simply referred to as Lombok. This Java library offers code generation features that promise to simplify developers' lives. However, as with any powerful tool, there are pitfalls to be aware of.

In this article, we will delve deep into the world of code design with a focus on Lombok. We'll explore why Lombok's seemingly convenient annotations, such as Builder and Log, might not be as flawless as they seem. We'll also highlight the importance of encapsulation and discuss how Lombok's Data and NotNull annotations can lead to unexpected challenges. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, this article will equip you with valuable insights to enhance your engineering skills.

How do I solidify my Python skills?

I've just finished reading Eric Matthes' Python Crash Course. A book which I found great to learn Python within a short time. The learning process wasn't really hard for me as I was already familiar with programming in other languages. Now I'm done with it and I've just started learning Django since the past few days. Meanwhile, I want to keep practicing Python to avoid forgetting advanced Python topics such as OOP. I've been searching and experimenting different resources these past couple of weeks. I tried some online courses covering real world projects, creating GUI with Tkinter, Implementing useful algorithms, etc. But I didn't find any of them really suitable for what I'm looking for. I even asked GPT (!) for some suggestions and I got to know some famous books such as Python Playground, Python Projects and The big book of small python projects, but I just can't stop feeling uneasy about the issue and finding a good resource for this matter to keep on working on more Python projects beside the Django learning, in order to solidify my Python knowledge and avoide forgetting anything. So I wanted to ask someone who has more experience in Python learning journy. Is there anything you guys wanna recommend me? Any advices?