Compliance Automated Standard Solution (COMPASS), Part 6: Compliance to Policy for Multiple Kubernetes Clusters

(Note: A list of links for all articles in this series can be found at the conclusion of this article.)

In Part 4 of this multi-part series on continuous compliance, we presented designs for Compliance Policy Administration Centers (CPAC) that facilitate the management of various compliance artifacts connecting the Regulatory Policies expressed as Compliance-as-Code with technical policies implemented as Policy-as-Code. The separation of Compliance-As-Code and Policy-As-Code is purposeful, as different personas (see Part 1) need to independently manage their respective responsibilities according to their expertise, be they controls and parameters selection, crosswalks mapping across regulations, or policy check implementations. The CPAC enables users to deploy and run technical policy checks according to different Regulatory Policies on different Policy Validation Points (PVPs) and, depending upon the level of generality or specialty of the inspected systems, the CPAC performs specific normalization and aggregation transformations. We presented three different designs for CPAC: two for handling specialized PVPs with their declarative vs. imperative policies, and one for orchestrating diverse PVP formats across heterogeneous IT stack levels and cloud services.
