Java ZGC Algorithm Tuning

ZGC is a specialized garbage collector that focuses on managing large heaps and minimizing pauses in Java applications. It tackles the challenges of garbage collection in scenarios where memory-intensive workloads and consistent response times are vital. Leveraging concurrent processing capabilities and advanced algorithms, ZGC offers an effective solution for optimizing performance in modern Java applications. In this post, we will explore techniques to tune ZGC for enhanced performance specifically. However, if you want to learn more basics of Garbage Collection tuning, you may watch this JAX London conference talk.

ZGC Tuning Parameters

ZGC, a garbage collector in Java, takes a different approach to tuning by minimizing the number of exposed JVM parameters. Unlike traditional garbage collectors that require fine-grained adjustments, ZGC focuses on optimizing the management of large heap sizes while providing efficient garbage collection with minimal configuration overhead. This streamlined approach allows developers to primarily focus on one key JVM parameter for tuning: the heap size. 
